Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co L T D

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3006789424
FEI Number3006789424
NameHangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Owner & OperatorHangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Contact AddressNo.6, No.6 Rd, Dongzhou Industrial Zone FuYang
Hangzhou CN-33 Zhejiang 311401 CN
Official Correspondent
  • Kai Ding
  • 086-571-63167701-x
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterRadiographic Services, Inc.
Address7503 Lodi-Springfield Rd. PO Box 64 Lodi, WI 53555
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration AddressNo.6, No.6 Rd, Dongzhou Industrial Zone FuYang
Hangzhou Zhejiang, 311401 CN
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
RADII 2018-08-30
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
RADII, Model H1074X2007-10-29
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Kailong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
H1075, H1076, H1077, H1080, H1083,2007-10-29

Related Finance Registrations

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