This page includes the latest FDA filings for Hans Georg Hoeft. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 9615019 |
FEI Number | 3003751850 |
Name | Hans-Georg Hoeft |
Owner & Operator | THOMASHILFEN |
Contact Address | WALKMUEHLENSTRASSE 1 -- BREMERVOERDE DE-NI Niedersachsen 27432 DE |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 7936 Occidental Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | front wheels | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | canopy for legs | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | basket | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | back wheels | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Z-chassis | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Vent tray | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Umbrella | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Trunk pads | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Tray | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Tip assist | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Sun/Rain cover | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Sun and rain canopy | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Straps - wrist "runaway" tether | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Straps - secure folded seat/frame | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Soft pelvic harness | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Sleeping bag | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Side paddings | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Seat minimizer upholstery | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Rain shield | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Rain canopy | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Q-chassis | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Push bar | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Pneumatic wheels | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Pelvis support | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Pelvic belt | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Mouting hardware special headrest | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Medical necessity pack | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Leg blanket | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Lateral trunk support | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Lateral head support | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Impulse sensors, lateral | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Hip belt | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Hi/low indoor base | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Headrest standard | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Headrest shell | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Headrest neck support | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Headrest adjustable winged | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Head rest | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Head pillow | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Grab bar | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Frame padding | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Footrest tube upholstery | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Footrest pad | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Foot strap | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | EASyS adapter Q-chassis | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Design package tRide | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Crotch strap | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Chest Harness | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Cargo basket | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Calf strap | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Butterfly chest harness | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Bus tie-downs | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Belt bow | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Arm rest | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Advantage chassis | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Adapter Q-chassis | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Abduction block | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | tRide | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoTwist | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoTherapy | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoSiiS | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Swifty | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | Swifty 2 | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | EASyS Modular S | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | EASyS Advantage | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoautoActiv | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoVital | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoSleepingStar | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoRest | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoRelief | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoFlex | 2005-06-01 |
Hans-Georg Hoeft [THOMASHILFEN] | ThevoCalm | 2005-06-01 |