Hsin Ten Enterprise Usa Inc

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Hsin Ten Enterprise Usa Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

Hsin Ten Enterprise Usa Inc holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3000210935
FEI Number3000210935
Contact Address17578 ROWLAND STREET
City of Industry CA 91748 US
Official Correspondent
  • Vincent Guan
  • x-626-5759969-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterY
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address17578 Rowland St
City Industry, CA 91748 US

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020092966867Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaTHE CHI MACHINE FOR SDM-888 MODEL AND SPARE P ARTSSPARE PARTS FOR SW-2000N / HBM-618274 CTN
2020081748623Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaTHE CHI MACHINE FOR SDM-888 MODEL AND SPARE P .235 CTN
202005303550857037 -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHH-1D CERAMIC HEATER100 CTN
2020051656897Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHH-1D CERAMIC HEATER ITB-333F GRANDE STEEL BE D AND SPARE PARTS THE CHI MACHINE FOR SDM-888 MODEL MT-18 ENERGY WAND128 CTN
2020051214534Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHH-1D CERAMIC HEATER ITB-333B GRANDE STEEL BE D AND SPARE PARTS THE CHI MACHINE FOR SDM-888 MODEL PARTS FOR SDM-888222 CTN
2020011441632Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHEATING MAT GRAND FIR PAD157 CTN
2019121229834Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHH-1D CERAMIC HEATER SPARE PARTS FOR CERAMIC HEATER228 CTN
2019121158509Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaTHE CHI MACHINE FOR SDM-888 MODEL AND SPARE PARTS310 CTN

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