This page includes the latest FDA filings for Intoximeters Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 1933078 |
FEI Number | 1000219049 |
Owner & Operator | INTOXIMETERS, INC. |
Contact Address | 2081 CRAIG RD. -- Saint Louis MO 63146 US |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 2081 CRAIG RD. Saint Louis, MO 63146 US |
Establishment Type | Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility |
Device Company | Device | Date |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | RBT IV | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Intox EC/IR II | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Intox EC/IR II.t | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Intox DMT | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alcomonitor CC | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alco-Sensor | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alco-Sensor VXL | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alco-Sensor IV | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alco-Sensor III | 2007-12-06 |
INTOXIMETERS, INC. | Alco-Sensor FST | 2007-12-06 |
CAGE Code | 50949 | INTOXIMETERS, INC. |
S.A.M. Registration | 50949 [6267355] | INTOXIMETERS, INC. |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020080682102 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | ASIV MOUTHPIECES | 130 PCS |
2020071142297 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, California | AS5 PASSIVE DOCKING STATION WITH CABLE (PC, PRINTER, KEYBOARD) CABLE . . . | 36 CTN |
2020060180242 | Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PASSIVE CUPS HS CODE 902790 | 5 CTN |
2020042949321 | High Seas (Outside U.S. Territorial Waters),United States Off-Shore Tanker Transshipment Points -> Port Canaveral, Florida | MOUTHPIECE CBP FORM 3461 | 1 PCS |
2020031751065 | High Seas (Outside U.S. Territorial Waters),United States Off-Shore Tanker Transshipment Points -> Port Everglades, Florida | INTOXIMETER | 1 BOX |
2020031661974 | High Seas (Outside U.S. Territorial Waters),United States Off-Shore Tanker Transshipment Points -> Port Everglades, Florida | S.T.C.(1) INTOXIMETER RECERTIFICATE | 1 BOX |
2020031242869 | High Seas (Outside U.S. Territorial Waters),United States Off-Shore Tanker Transshipment Points -> Port Everglades, Florida | INTOXIMETER ALCO SENSOR | 1 PCS |
2020030951239 | High Seas (Outside U.S. Territorial Waters),United States Off-Shore Tanker Transshipment Points -> Port Everglades, Florida | INTOXIMETERS | 1 BOX |