This page includes the latest FDA filings for Jonathan Scarlet. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3009348823 |
FEI Number | 3009348823 |
Name | Jonathan Scarlet |
Owner & Operator | ManukaMed LP |
Contact Address | 3 Edwin Feist Place Masterton NZ-WGN Wellington 5810 NZ |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 9160 CAROTHERS PKWY STE 101 Franklin, TN 37067 US |
Establishment Type | Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | MED SAF Dressing | 2016-06-18 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | MANUKAtex wound dressings | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | Manukahd Super Lite wound dressing wrap 4 x 48 inch | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | Manukahd Super Lite wound dressing rope 18 x 0.5 inch | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | Manukahd Super Lite wound dressing 4 x 5 inch | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | Manukahd Super Lite wound dressing 2 x 2 inch | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | Manukahd Lite wound dressing | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | MANUKAhd wound dressings | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | First Honey Adhesive Dressings | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | First Honey Adhesive Bandages | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | ManukaPli Wound Dressing | 2011-12-06 |
Jonathan Scarlet [ManukaMed LP] | First Honey Sterile Honey Ointment | 2011-12-06 |