This page includes the latest FDA filings for Kayee I N T Holding Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3011659324 | ||||||||||||
FEI Number | 3011659324 | ||||||||||||
Name | Paul McGrath | ||||||||||||
Owner & Operator | Kayee International Holding Co., Ltd. | ||||||||||||
Contact Address | 8th Fl., No. 59, Sec. 2 Yeong Ho Rd., Yeong Ho Dist. New Taipei City TW-TPQ Taipei - District 23444 TW | ||||||||||||
Official Correspondent |
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US Agent |
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Importing Logistics Registration |
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Registration Status | 1 | ||||||||||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||||||||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||||||||||
Registration Address | 2620 Westview Dr Wyomissing, PA 19610 US | ||||||||||||
Establishment Type | Export Device to the United States But Perform No Other Operation on Device |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020090543402 | Xiamen,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | PI NO:12303-2006160008 ORDER NO:S9L06152001 S OLAR FENCE BIRDS POST CAP LIGHT PI NO:12303-2 006160008 ORDER NO:S9L06152001 SOLAR FENCE BU TTERFLY POST CAP LIGHT PI NO:12303-2006160008 ORDER NO:S9L06152001 SOLAR FENCE HUMMINGBIRD POST CAP LIGHT PI NO:12303-200630003 ORDER N O:SGV06292001 SOLAR GNOME LIGHT,SINGLE PC | 833 CTN |
20200904212 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | KISS MY LASH | 451 CTN |
20200825169 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | KISS MY LASH | 451 CTN |
2020070250598 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | TRUSTED BUTCHER 8" CHEF KNIFE.S/C#658120 PS4. NO WOOD PACKAGING MATERIAL IS USED IN THE SHI PMENT | 2500 CTN |
2020070250598 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | TRUSTED BUTCHER 8" CHEF KNIFE.S/C#658120 PS4. NO WOOD PACKAGING MATERIAL IS USED IN THE SHI PMENT | 2500 CTN |
2020070144867 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | COPPER CHEF 10 RD FRY PAN | 527 CTN |
2020070144852 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | COPPER CHEF 2 5QT SAUCE PAN W LID | 2000 CTN |
202006296536 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | COPPER CHEF 10 RD FRY PAN W LID | 2000 CTN |
2020062734692 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Oakland, California | COPPER CHEF BLACK DIAMOND 10PC ROUND SET | 207 CTN |