Ken Grant

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Ken Grant. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number0
FEI Number0
NameKen Grant
Owner & OperatorFormosa Energy-Carbon Company Limited
Official Correspondent
  • Erick Liu
  • 886-6-2435579-x
US Agent
Registration Status5
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address2611 Merrick Rd #66
Bellmore, NY 11710 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3016579902
FEI Number3016579902
NameKen Grant
Owner & OperatorWin-Z Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact AddressNo. 349, Sec. 5, Zhangnan Rd.
Changhua City TW-CHA Changhua 50088 TW
Official Correspondent
  • Jack Peng
  • 886-4-7320088-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address2611 Merrick Rd #66
Bellmore, NY 11710 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3016579183
FEI Number3016579183
NameKen Grant
Owner & OperatorAkmelions Co. Ltd.
Contact Address1F, No. 6-4, Aly. 2, Ln. 429, Sec 2, Don
Hsinchu City TW-HSZ Hsinchu - Municipality 30054 TW
Official Correspondent
  • Jim Chen
  • 886-2-55922006-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address2611 Merrick Rd #66
Bellmore, NY 11710 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Ken Grant [Formosa Energy-Carbon Company Limited]
TWEC N95 respirator2020-04-15
Ken Grant [Formosa Energy-Carbon Company Limited]
TWEC Disposable Medical Mask2020-04-15
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial-antiviral Cleaning Solution2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial mask2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial and Mildew-Proof Silicone Sealant2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Zipper Bag2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Wipes2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Spray2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Soap2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Shower Gel2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Liquid Solution2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Essential Oils2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Disposable Diapers2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Win-Z Technology Co., Ltd.]
Antibacterial Breast Milk Storage Bags2020-02-28
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
Antibacterial Moisturizing Water2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT portable spray bottle2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT mask2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Yoga Mat2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Wet Wipes2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Virus Shield2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Virus Guard2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Virus Away2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Underwear2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Socks2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Protective Clothing2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Nonwoven Fabrics2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Material (AK-BDT)2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Mat2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Hand Sanitizer2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Antiviral2020-02-19
Ken Grant [Akmelions Co. Ltd.]
AK-BDT Antimicrobial2020-02-19

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