This page includes the latest FDA filings for Lansinoh Laboratories Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:
Registration Number | 2032361 |
FEI Number | 3022898 |
Contact Address | 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 550 -- Alexandria VA 22314 US |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Suite 550 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 US |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories, LLC | Otc Medication | 2024-12-24 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories, LLC | Otc Medication | 2024-06-07 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories LLC | Otc Medication | 2024-03-23 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories LLC | Otc Medication | 2023-01-01 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories LLC | Otc Medication | 2022-01-01 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc, Dhaliwal Pharmaceuticals Laboratories LLC | Otc Medication | 2021-04-19 |
Lansinoh Laboratories Inc | Lansinoh Pain Relieving | 2021-02-15 |
Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc., Power Line Packaging, Inc | Otc Medication | 2013-10-20 |
Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc. | LANSINOH BABY | 2011-01-01 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
201907053454 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | MOMMY'S MILK ZIPPER BAG PRINTED | 1764 CTN |
201907055804 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | MOMMY'S MILK ZIPPER BAG PRINTED | 6825 CTN |
201907051670 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |
201907051670 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |
201907051670 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |
201907053349 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PAD | 1441 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
201907056331 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 6732 CTN |
2019070317109 | Singapore,Singapore -> Long Beach, California | LANSINOH LATCH ASSIST FOR US | 834 CTN |
2019070323218 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | MOMMY'S MILK ZIPPER BAG PRINTED | 6825 CTN |
201907034372 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |
201907034372 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |
201907034372 | Laem Chabang,Thailand -> Tacoma, Washington | BREAST PADS | 4106 CTN |