This page includes the latest FDA filings for Metasystems Probes G M B H. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3012129445 |
FEI Number | 3012129445 |
Owner & Operator | MetaSystems Probes GmbH |
Contact Address | 1. Industriestr. 7 Altlussheim DE-BW Baden-Wurttemberg 68804 DE |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 1. Industriestr. 7 Altlussheim Baden-Wurttemberg, 68804 DE |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6031-999-OG | 2024-10-02 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-0832-500-OG | 2024-09-17 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6020-999-OG | 2024-08-29 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-0803-050-FI | 2023-07-28 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5069-100-OG | 2022-12-13 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5069-999-OG | 2022-12-13 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5072-100-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5080-100-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9047-500-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9047-100-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7907-150-TC | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7023-050-TR | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7022-050-OR | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7021-050-FI | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7003-525-GL | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7003-250-GL | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5080-999-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5072-999-OG | 2022-12-07 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5064-100-OG | 2022-12-06 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5064-999-OG | 2022-12-06 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5152-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5822-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7003-126-GL | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5133-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5150-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5130-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5148-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5151-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9041-100-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5120-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9040-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5118-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9038-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9037-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-9036-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5138-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5116-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5117-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7003-025-GL | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5106-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6035-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6034-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6033-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5124-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-7003-125-GL | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5126-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5140-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5122-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5115-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5121-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5110-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5111-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5112-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5113-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5125-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5109-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5107-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5108-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5119-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5098-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5815-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6019-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6021-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5926-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5114-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5102-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5817-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6015-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5104-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5920-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5103-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5097-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5105-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6030-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6025-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5099-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5601-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6010-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6005-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6023-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6016-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6008-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6029-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6011-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6018-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5602-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6007-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5608-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5607-999-TC | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6004-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6013-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5998-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6003-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5988-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5991-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5992-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5908-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5983-999-OR | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-5978-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
MetaSystems Probes GmbH | MetaSystems Probes D-6001-999-OG | 2022-11-23 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XT (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XL (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XCyte (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XCP (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XCE (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | XA (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | CL (Multiple) | 2015-12-28 |
METASYSTEMS PROBES GMBH | 24XCyte | 2015-12-28 |