Michelle Bonn

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Michelle Bonn. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3009264169
FEI Number3009264169
NameMichelle Bonn
Owner & OperatorAussimed Ltd
Contact Address69, Great Hampton Street
Birmingham GB-BIR Birmingham B18 6EW GB
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterAndrea Quigley
Address750 S. Ocean Blvd.
Manalapan, FL 33462 UNITED STATES
Email Addressdrjen@greenhealthmedicalgroup.
Phone1 760 3900222
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterBilly Beck
Address304 Indian Trace # 723
Weston, FL 33326 UNITED STATES
Email Addressbilly@billybeck.com
Phone1 954 5527769
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterChristina Amaral
Address44 Zils Road
La Selva Beach, CA 95076 UNITED STATES
Email Addressblessedrwe@gmail.com
Phone1 831 3328072
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterDavid Gohn
Address12746 W Soledad Street
El Mirage, AZ 85335 UNITED STATES
Email Addresscyberscannorthamerica@gmail.co
Phone1 623 2565553
Importer TypeAgent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterDeborah Bhai
Address11642 Timber Hollow
Houston, TX 77065 UNITED STATES
Email Addresskricketrskate@yahoo.com
Phone1 288 6359987
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterElizabeth Beeland
Address138 Ocean Grove Dr
Ormond Beach, FL 32176 UNITED STATES
Email Addressquantumspanner@gmail.com
Phone1 310 2661986
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterEnergetic Insight, Jed Roth
Address8502 E. Chapman Ave., Stc. 328
Orange, CA 92869 UNITED STATES
Email Addressjed@energeticinsight.com
Phone1 714 4124241
Importer TypeAGENT
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJanine Rambo
Address11222 LaCienega Blvd. Suite 311
Inglewood, CA 90304 UNITED STATES
Email Addresssenergy100@gmail.com
Phone1 714 4124241
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJed Roth
Address8502 E. Chapman Ave. Ste 328 Energetic Insight
Orange, CA 92869 UNITED STATES
Email Addressjed@energeticinsight.com
Phone1 714 4124241
Importer TypeAgent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJenelle Jacobus-Hoonan
Address5431 South Island Drive
Bonney Lake, WA 98391 UNITED STATES
Email Addresscyberscanagentjenelle@gmail.co
Phone1 253 2552041
Importer TypeAgent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Westfield Rd
Amherst, NY 14226 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3007667119
FEI Number3007667119
NameMichelle Bonn
Owner & OperatorVISUS Health IT GmbH
Contact AddressGesundheitscampus-Sued 15-17
Bochum DE-NW Nordrhein-Westfalen 44801 DE
Official Correspondent
  • Ulrich Brandenburg
  • 049-234-936930-x
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
Address5000 Quorum Drive, Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75254 UNITED STATES
Importer TypeRetailer
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Westfield Road
Amherst, NY 14226 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3011625665
FEI Number3011625665
NameMichelle Bonn
Owner & OperatorAussimed Pty. Ltd.
Contact AddressAuf der Heide 24
Walld?rn DE-BW Baden-Wurttemberg 74731 DE
Official Correspondent
  • Wolf-Dieter Kehren
  • 49-1609-7714607-x
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterAndrea Quigley
Address750 S. Ocean Blvd.
Manalapan, FL 33462 UNITED STATES
Email Addressdrjen@greenhealthmedicalgroup.
Phone1 760 3900222
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterBilly Beck
Address304 Indian Trace # 723
Bonaventure, FL 33326 UNITED STATES
Email Addressbilly@billybeck.com
Phone1 954 5527769
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterDeborah Bhai
Address11642 Timber Hollow
Houston, TX 77065 UNITED STATES
Email Addresskricketrskate@yahoo.com
Phone1 288 6359987
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterDr. Gerald Smith
Address303 Corporate Drive East
Hulmeville, PA 19047 UNITED STATES
Email Addressghsdoc11@gmail.com
Phone1 215 9684781
Importer TypeAGENT
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterElizabeth Beeland
Address138 Ocean Grove Dr
Ormond Beach, FL 32176 UNITED STATES
Email Addressquantumspanner@gmail.com
Phone1 310 2661986
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterEnergetic Insight, Jed Roth
Address8502 E. Chapman Ave., Stc. 328
Orange, CA 92869 UNITED STATES
Email Addressjed@energeticinsight.com
Phone1 714 4124241
Importer TypeAGENT
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterHippocrates Health Institute
Address1443 Palmdale Court
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 UNITED STATES
Email Addressbclement@hippocratesinst.org
Phone1 561 4718876 2122
FAX1 561 2280818
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJanine Rambo
Address11222 LaCienega Blvd. Suite 311
Inglewood, CA 90304 UNITED STATES
Email Addresssenergy100@gmail.com
Phone1 714 4124241
Importer TypeEND USER
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJennifer Gunst
Address24569 Hutchinson Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033 UNITED STATES
Email Addressdrjen@greenhealthmedicalgroup.
Phone1 650 8628555
Importer TypeEnd User
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterKerry L. Heitkotter
Address2177 Shermer Road c/o Healthy Foundations
Northbrook, IL 60062 UNITED STATES
Email Addresskerry@yourhealthyfoundations.c
Phone1 847 9636094
FAX1 847 9636098
Importer TypeEND USER
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Westfield Rd
Amherst, NY 14226 US
Establishment TypeExport Device to the United States But Perform No Other Operation on Device

Registration Number3013596913
FEI Number3013596913
NameMichelle Bonn
Owner & Operator5th Element Ltd
Contact Address10 Nelson Street Riccarton
Christchurch NZ-CAN Canterbury 8011 NZ
Official Correspondent
  • Simon Boyd
  • 64-27-5008077-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Westfield Rd
Amherst, NY 14226 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Michelle Bonn [5th Element Ltd]
Michelle Bonn [Aussimed Pty. Ltd.]
Michelle Bonn [Aussimed Ltd]
CyberScan Biofeedback Device2012-10-23
Michelle Bonn [VISUS Health IT GmbH]

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