This page includes the latest FDA filings for Ningbo Etdz Huixing Trade Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3012538043 |
FEI Number | 3012538043 |
Name | Christina |
Owner & Operator | Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd. |
Contact Address | No. 777 Rili Road, Ningbo CN-33 Zhejiang 315100 CN |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | LLC 4393, Sunbelt Drive Addison, TX 75001 US |
Establishment Type | Foreign Private Label Distributor |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | Disposable Non-woven Protective Clothing | 2020-03-31 |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | Disposable Isolation Gowns | 2020-03-31 |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | Patient Gown | 2020-03-31 |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | ETDZ | 2020-03-26 |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | ETDZ | 2020-03-26 |
Christina [Ningbo ETDZ Huixing Trade Co., Ltd.] | ETDZ | 2020-03-26 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020092826730 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | ORDER NO.76-1224-053 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD B | 180 PCS |
2020092826199 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | ORDER NO.76-1224-052 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD B | 180 PCS |
2020092825012 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF ITM ART 1600209 OR DER NO.573-1224-382 NO SOLID WOOD PACKING MAT | 180 PCS |
2020092837264 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | ORDER NO.76-1224-035 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD B | 180 PCS |
2020092837253 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | ORDER NO.76-0930-253 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD BR | 180 PCS |
2020092840075 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | ORDER NO.76-1224-036 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD BR | 180 PCS |
2020092840055 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | ORDER NO.76-0219-004 304CTNS ITM ART 160020 5 GORILLA RACK Z BEAM SHELF CTC RICHARD | 304 PCS |
2020092840074 | Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | ORDER NO.76-1224-032 180CTNS ITM ART 160020 9 GORILLA INDUSTRIAL SHELF CTC RICHARD BR | 180 PCS |