Omron Healthcare Co L T D

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Omron Healthcare Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number8030245
FEI Number3004072282
Contact Address53, Kunotsubo Terado-cho
MUKO JP-26 Kyoto 617-0002 JP
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho
MUKO Kyoto, 617-0002 JP
Establishment Type
  • Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility
  • Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer)

FDA Owner/Operator Registration

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020091518540Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS HS CODE 4202.92, 8544.42, 8536.90 3917.33, 9018.1958 CTN
2020091130803Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS HS CODE 4202.92, 8544.42, 8536.90 3917.33, 9018.1958 CTN
2018090519779Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 9018.19 HS-CODE 901819 . . . .160 CTN
2018082537845Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 9018.19 HS-CODE 901819 . . . .99 CTN
2018082443234Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 9018.19 HS-CODE 901819 . . . .99 CTN
2018081737699Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 9018.19 HS-CODE 901819 . . . .160 CTN
2018080358775Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 9018.19 HS-CODE 901819 . . . .226 CTN
2018072051839Nagoya Ko ,Japan -> Long Beach, CaliforniaMEDICAL GOODS H.S. CODE 8507.50,9018.19 HS-CODE 850750179 CTN

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