This page includes the latest FDA filings for Oren Bart. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3009085440 | ||||||
FEI Number | 3009085440 | ||||||
Name | Oren Bart | ||||||
Owner & Operator | KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED | ||||||
Contact Address | NO 1565, LIUQING RD YIWU CN-33 Zhejiang 322000 CN | ||||||
Official Correspondent |
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US Agent |
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Importing Logistics Registration |
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Registration Status | 1 | ||||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||||
Registration Address | 27 East, 28th Street Manhattan Manhattan, NY 10016 US | ||||||
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HQZ / Frame, spectacle | 2013-03-28 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HQY / Sunglasses (non-prescription including photosensitive) | 2013-03-28 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HQG / Lens, spectacle, non-custom (prescription) | 2013-03-28 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HOI / Spectacle, magnifying | 2013-03-28 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HQZ / Frame, spectacle | 2012-11-01 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HQY / Sunglasses (non-prescription including photosensitive) | 2012-11-01 |
Oren Bart [KOST FASHION CO., LIMITED] | HOI / Spectacle, magnifying | 2012-11-01 |