Paul E Dryden

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Paul E Dryden. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3006850006
FEI Number3006850006
NamePaul E. Dryden
Owner & OperatorWell-Life Healthcare Limited
Contact Address6F., No. 168, Lide St.,
Jhonghe TW-TPE Taipei - Special Municipality 235 TW
Official Correspondent
  • Chin-Chih Hsieh
  • 886-2-29282112-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address131 Bay Point Dr. NE
Saint Petersburg, FL 33704 US
Establishment Type
  • Manufacture Medical Device
  • Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility
  • Export Device to the United States But Perform No Other Operation on Device
  • Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer)

Registration Number0
FEI Number0
NamePaul E. Dryden
Owner & OperatorTaiwan Comfort Champ Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Official Correspondent
  • Karim Hsieh
  • 886-3-3637999-20
US Agent
Registration Status5
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address131 Bay Point Dr. NE
Saint Petersburg, FL 33704 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Paul E. Dryden [Taiwan Comfort Champ Manufacturing Co., Ltd.]
Face Masks2020-04-08
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar Sport Muscle Stimulator, Model PRO-5002020-02-20
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar Sport Muscle Stimulator, Model PRO-5002020-02-20
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar Sport Muscle Stimulator, Model PRO-5002020-02-20
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar, Model Pro-5002017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC Combo TENS/EMS System, model WL-2405G & WL-2405H2017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar, Model Pro-5002017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC Combo TENS/EMS System, model WL-2405G & WL-2405H2017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PlayMakar, Model Pro-5002017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC Combo TENS/EMS System, model WL-2405G & WL-2405H2017-10-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Home Care Jelly2017-08-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WELL LIFE Rx Wireless TENS/EMS Stimulator2017-02-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Hi-Dow Wireless TENS/EMS2017-02-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WELL LIFE Rx Wireless TENS/EMS Stimulator2017-02-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Hi-Dow Wireless TENS/EMS2017-02-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well Life Wireless TENS/EMS Stimulator, Model WR-2605/WR-2605A2016-12-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well Life Wireless TENS/EMS Stimulator, Model WR-2605/WR-2605A2016-12-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well Life Wireless TENS/EMS Stimulator, Model WR-2605/WR-2605A2016-12-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
iReliev Strength & Recovery System, ET-70702014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WL-2405 OTC Combo TENS/EMS System2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PurePulse Duo2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC COMBO tens/ems system, Model no. WL-24052014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
iReliev Strength & Recovery System, ET-70702014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WL-2405 OTC Combo TENS/EMS System2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PurePulse Duo2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC COMBO tens/ems system, Model no. WL-24052014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
iReliev Strength & Recovery System, ET-70702014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WL-2405 OTC Combo TENS/EMS System2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PurePulse Duo2014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC COMBO tens/ems system, Model no. WL-24052014-11-18
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life OTC Patch, model:WL-24062014-02-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life OTC Patch, Model: WL-24062014-02-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
WL-2406 OTC Patch (Mini)2014-02-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
VERIDIAN, Model 22-0312014-02-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Bilt-Rite Part#10-650052014-02-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
VERIDIAN, Model 22-0302012-09-10
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
MINI PATCH, MODEL WL-2301A & WL-2301B2012-09-10
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
BeautyKo, Model BK#0078 X-Trim2012-09-10
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Aurawave Mini2012-09-10
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210102010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210052010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
4 Channels Multiple Modes Digital Electrical Stimulator /WL-2504A2010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210102010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210052010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
4 Channels Multiple Modes Digital Electrical Stimulator /WL-2504A2010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210102010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210052010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
4 Channels Multiple Modes Digital Electrical Stimulator /WL-2504A2010-07-07
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210192010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
TOP TENS, DT60302010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PurePulse Pro2010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC TENS For Arm & Leg Pain Relief/Model: WL-24072010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Healthy Bacs Pro Tens2010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Great Life Pro Tens2010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ExcelHealth iReliev Model # ET-13132010-02-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
BioMedical Life, BioTouch INF2009-11-09
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
i.Reliev Pad, CM/SP series2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life Electrodes, CM/SP series2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
SP92246 -Foot2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Replacement Electrodes for EM13, Model EM13RP2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PurePulse Pro Pad , CM/SP series2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
PLAYMAKAR Pad, CM/SP series2009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
GF Health Products, GF-9260, GF-92612009-04-22
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-life Electrode Lead wire2008-12-19
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Theratech, i-TENS 2202,2201-Stering i-TENS2008-06-23
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Hi-Dow TENS2008-06-23
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ZEWA, S210172007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC TENS FOR LOW BACK Pain Relief /Model WL-24072007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Beurer, EM392007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
VERIDIAN, MODEL 22-0202007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Ttech Cube, Model:WL-24062007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC TENS FOR LOW BACK Pain Relief /Model WL-24062007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Forever Back Plus2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
VIVA OTC TENS2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
OTC TENS models /Model WL-2402, WL-2403, WL-24012007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
ComfortQuest, CP-M3, CP-P32007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life Digital Tens, WL-2203, WL-2204, WL-22052007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
GF, GF TX5 TENS, TX5 EMS2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life Digital Tens, WL-2203, WL-2204, WL-22052007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
GF, GF TX5 TENS, TX5 EMS2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life Analog EMS, WL-21042007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Thereatech , 2104 N-Kit, Performa2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Bilt-Rite Part#10-650032007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Well-Life Analog TENS, WL-2101A, WL-2102A, WL-2103A2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Thereatech , 203 Elite,2105N-Kit,2103(Re)/4460.S2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Mettler, ME210, ME210T2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
GF, GF-3,GF-3T,LUMI TENS, SW-1000, 2000-T2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Bilt-Rite Orthopedics (Part# 10-65001)2007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]
Alimed, RM82162007-12-12
Paul E. Dryden [Well-Life Healthcare Limited]

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