This page includes the latest FDA filings for Paul O Connell. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 9612452 |
FEI Number | 3002806713 |
Name | Paul O'Connell |
Owner & Operator | B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS |
Contact Address | 26 Rue Armengaud Saint-Cloud FR-NOTA 92210 FR |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 824 12th Ave Bethlehem, PA 18018 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Surecan Safety II | 2017-11-29 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Venatech Convertible | 2016-03-03 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2013-11-26 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Discreet | 2013-11-26 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Concept | 2013-11-26 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Babyport | 2013-11-26 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Babyport S | 2013-11-26 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Babyport | 2009-10-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Babyport S | 2009-10-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Venatech LP Brachial Introducer System (Antecubital) | 2009-10-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2009-10-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Concept | 2009-10-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite Discreet | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Celsite | 2007-12-20 |
Paul O'Connell [B. BRAUN MEDICAL SAS] | Venatech LP | 2007-12-20 |