This page includes the latest FDA filings for Pharma Systems Ab. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3005519819 |
FEI Number | 3005519819 |
Name | David Rothkopf |
Owner & Operator | Pharma Systems AB |
Contact Address | Rubanksgatan 9 Knivsta SE-C Uppsala lan [SE-03] 74171 SE |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 200 Homer Ave Ashland, MA 01721 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Neo | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Neo Port | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Midi | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter Port | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter PhFlex | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter Midi | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter HCH | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo 1 Filter | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo 1 Filter Port | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo 1 Filter Port Elbow | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo 1 Filter Port Angle | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Pharma Trach Multi | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Pharma Trach Basic | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Pharma Suction | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Oxygen adapter | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo 1 | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Filter Flo | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Bact Trap HEPA | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Bact Trap HEPA Midi | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | ThermoFlo Filter HCH | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Filter Flo | 2011-06-06 |
David Rothkopf [Pharma Systems AB] | Bact Trap | 2011-06-06 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020051848964 | Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> Miami, Florida | ------------ TCKU3647012 DESCRIPTION--------- MEDICAL SUPPLIES PRODUCT, HS CODE 901920 FREIGHT PREPAID -------------GENERIC DESCRIPTION------------- | 243 PCS |
2019080755180 | Rotterdam,Netherlands -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PACKAGES S.T.C. MEDICAL FILTERS (50 BOXES LOADED ON 4 PLLTS) HS CODE: 901920004099 | 4 PKG |
2019042458101 | Rotterdam,Netherlands -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PACKAGES STC MEDICAL EQUIPMENT HS CODE: 901920004099 | 3 PKG |
2018121929946 | Rotterdam,Netherlands -> Savannah, Georgia | ------------ APZU3576283 DESCRIPTION--------- MEDICAL FILTERS - PARTS FOR ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION DEVICES FREIGHT PREPAID -------------GENERIC DESCRIPTION------------- | 102 PCS |
2018112260825 | Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PACKAGES STC MEDICAL FILTERS (105 BOXES LOADED ON 8 PLLTS) HS CODE: 901920004099 | 8 PKG |
2018112152477 | Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PACKAGES STC MEDICAL FILTERS (105 BOXES LOADED ON 8 PLLTS) HS CODE: 901920004099 | 8 PKG |
2018100126456 | Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | PACKAGES STC 50 BOXES LOADED ON 4 PALLETS MEDICAL FILTERS HS CODE: 901920004099 | 50 PKG |
2018081672560 | Rotterdam,Netherlands -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PACKAGES STC MEDICAL FILTERS 50 BOXES LOADED ON 4 PALLETS HS CODE: 901920004099 | 4 PKG |