Plantex L T D

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Plantex L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

Chiesi USA, Inc., Almac Pharma Services Limited, Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), MW ENCAP LIMITED, Plantex Ltd.
Prescription Medication2024-08-24
Chiesi USA, Inc., Almac Pharma Services Limited, Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), MW ENCAP LIMITED, Plantex Ltd.
Prescription Medication2024-08-16
Chiesi USA, Inc., Almac Pharma Services Limited, Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), MW ENCAP LIMITED, Plantex Ltd.
Prescription Medication2024-07-23
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2024-02-03
Chiesi USA, Inc., Almac Pharma Services Limited, Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), MW ENCAP LIMITED, Plantex Ltd.
Prescription Medication2024-01-31
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2024-01-10
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2023-05-16
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2022-12-14
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2022-03-02
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC dba Cypress, Hawthorn, Macoven, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Plantex Ltd, Ropack Inc., Teva API India Private Ltd.
Prescription Medication2022-01-21
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2021-12-30
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2021-12-09
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2021-12-02
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2020-12-05
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC dba Cypress, Hawthorn, Macoven, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Plantex Ltd, Ropack Inc., Teva API India Private Ltd.
Prescription Medication2020-12-03
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2020-11-14
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2020-01-29
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2019-12-24
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC dba Cypress, Hawthorn, Macoven, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Plantex Ltd, Ropack Inc., Teva API India Private Ltd.
Prescription Medication2019-12-21
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Teva API India Private Ltd., Ropack Inc.
Prescription Medication2018-01-05
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Plantex Ltd
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals LLC, Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC
Prescription Medication2017-01-20
Plantex Ltd.

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2019093022169Tokyo ,Japan -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaFLUORO PLASTICS HEAT EXCHANGER3 WDC
2019091258025Tokyo ,Japan -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaFLUORO PLASTICS HEAT EXCHANGER3 WDC

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