Prime European Therapeuticals S P A

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Prime European Therapeuticals S P A. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2025-02-06
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2025-01-31
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2025-01-25
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2024-10-24
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2023-04-22
PruGen Pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2022-10-29
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2022-07-22
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2021-07-08
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2021-06-11
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2021-06-03
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2020-12-03
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2020-12-03
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-12-01
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-10-28
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-10-22
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-10-10
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-09-02
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2020-08-08
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2020-08-05
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2020-07-21
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2020-07-09
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2020-07-01
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2020-03-27
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2020-01-31
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2019-12-06
PruGen Pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2019-10-28
PruGen Pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2019-07-03
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Lederle S.R.L., Prime European Therapeuticals SpA, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC
Prescription Medication2019-06-21
Santarus, Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., AMRI Italy S.r.l.
Prescription Medication2019-05-02
Prime European Therapeuticals SPA
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Patheon Italia S.p.A., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC, Wyeth Lederle SRL, Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A dba Euticals S.p.A
Prescription Medication2018-07-02
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals S.p.A.
Prime European Therapeuticals SPA dba Euticals Spa

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2019062032754Genova,Italy -> Miami, FloridaUN 1814 POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION 8, II, (E), EMS F-A, S-B 4 IBC UN 31HA1/Y/0118/D4 TNK
2019040545917Genova,Italy -> Miami, FloridaUN 1814 POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION 8, II, (E),EMS F-A, S-B- 2 IBC UN 31HA1/Y/0118/D2 TNK

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