Romd L L C

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Romd L L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3008959459
FEI Number3008959459
Owner & OperatorRoyal Oak Medical Devices
Contact Address2967 Waterview Drive
Rochester Hills MI 48309 US
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address2967 Waterview Drive
Rochester Hills, MI 48309 US
Establishment Type
  • Manufacture Medical Device
  • Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility
  • Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer)

FDA Filings

ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
VTI InterLink? Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Royal Oak Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Athena Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Agoge Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
VTI InterLink? Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Royal Oak Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Athena Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Agoge Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
VTI InterLink? Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Royal Oak Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Athena Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Agoge Pedicle Screw System2011-12-30
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Royal Oak IBFD System2011-06-03
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Hippeis IBFD System2011-06-03
ROMD, LLC [Royal Oak Medical Devices]
Helena IBFD System2011-06-03

Related Finance Registrations

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.