Sing Hong Yeung

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Sing Hong Yeung. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3007047889
FEI Number3007047889
NameSing-Hong Yeung
Owner & OperatorBomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.
Contact Address3F, Bomtech Bldg.,34 Hyoryeong-ro 49-gil, Seocho-gu
Seoul KR-11 Seoul Teugbyeolsi 06670 KR
Official Correspondent
  • Colleen Hong
  • 82-2-5238295-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address11 Heather Ct
Middle Island, NY 11953 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3016420624
FEI Number3016420624
NameSing-Hong Yeung
Owner & OperatorDO-ALL Corp.
Contact AddressDO-ALL Bldg 30, Magokdong-ro, Gangseo-gu
Seoul KR-11 Seoul Teugbyeolsi 07805 KR
Official Correspondent
  • Wesub Choi
  • 82-2-5868295-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address11 Heather Ct
Middle Island, NY 11953 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Sing-Hong Yeung [DO-ALL Corp.]
Tri-EC Needle Cartridge2019-12-24
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Turbo Safety Needle2015-09-10
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Micropen Elite2015-09-10
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Tri-M Needle Cartridge2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Tri-M Massage Module Cartridge2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital TR Needle Cartridge2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Revo Needle Cartridge2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Hand Needle Cartridge2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Skin-Aid Hot / Cold Massager2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Purecle Pop Ultrasonic Massage Device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Purecle Deluxe Ultrasonic Massage Device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Dr. Scaling Ultrasonic Massage Device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Wireless TRi-M motorized machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
TRi-M motorized machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Slim-pen W permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital-Pen-A permanent make-up machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital-Hand-R permanent make-up machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital-Hand-NW permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pro permanent Make-up Machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pop permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pop SE permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pop Hit permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pop Diamond permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pop Deluxe permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Pen permanent make-up machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Digital Hand permanent make-up machine2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
DIAMOND permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Bom-I-Touch-S permanent makeup device2011-11-16
Sing-Hong Yeung [Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd.]
Bom-I-Touch-R permanent makeup device2011-11-16

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