St Jude Medical Costa Rica L T D A

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for St Jude Medical Costa Rica L T D A. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3014918977
FEI Number3014918977
NameSt. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda.
Contact Address100 ABBOTT PARK RD. D-03Q3, AP52-1
Abbott Park IL 60064 US
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterSt. Jude Medical Coordination Center BVBA
AddressDa Vincilaan 11-Box F1
Zaventum, B-1935 BELGIUM
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration AddressEdificio #44 Calle 0, Ave. 2 Zona Franca Coyol
El Coyol Alajuela, 1897-4050 CR
Establishment Type
  • Manufacture Medical Device
  • Manufacture Device in the United States for Export Only

FDA Filings

St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Portico TF Delivery System2013-02-26
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Trifecta Valve with Glide Technology (Trifecta GT)2011-04-21
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Trifecta Bioprosthetic Heart Valve2011-04-21
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Trifecta Valve with Glide Technology (Trifecta GT)2011-04-21
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Trifecta Bioprosthetic Heart Valve2011-04-21
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Amplatzer Cardiac Plug2007-12-18
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Amplatzer Amulet Left Atrial Appendage Occluder2007-12-18
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Epic Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Biocor Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Epic Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Biocor Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Epic Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16
St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Ltda. [ABBOTT LABORATORIES]
Biocor Tissue Heart Valves2007-10-16

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