This page includes the latest FDA filings for Swabplus L P. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 2032084 |
FEI Number | 3003053677 |
Name | SWABPLUS L.P. |
Owner & Operator | SWABPLUS L.P. |
Contact Address | 9669 HERMOSA AVE. -- Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 US |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 9669 Hermosa Ave Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Swabplus, L.P. | Otc Medication | 2023-01-11 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Otc Medication | 2021-05-18 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Otc Medication | 2021-05-18 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Otc Medication | 2021-05-15 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Dr. Piercing Aftercare | 2021-01-01 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Orajel Instant Pain Relief For All Mouth Sores | 2019-01-01 |
Swabplus, L.P. | Orajel Instant Pain Relief MAXIMUM Toothache Oral Pain Relief | 2019-01-01 |
Swabplus, L.P. | HurriCaine | 2019-01-01 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | HURRIVIEW | 2017-12-08 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | HURRIVIEW II | 2017-12-08 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Stop Bleeding plus Povidone Iodine Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Stop Bleeding plus Iod Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Stop Bleeding plus Antibacterial Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | N-Acne Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Acne Treat Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Stop Itching Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Sting Stick Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | Skin Cooling Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | N-Akitza Swab | 2012-04-18 |
SWABPLUS L.P. | SWABPLUS | 2004-01-21 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2019041850153 | Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | VCASE00009-3 LAYER W/O HANGER-PURPLE PP CASE . . | 140 CTN |