This page includes the latest FDA filings for Thomas E Sandvick. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3011500500 |
FEI Number | 3011500500 |
Name | Thomas E Sandvick |
Owner & Operator | Tethis S.p.A. |
Contact Address | via Francesco Olgiati, 5 Milan IT-25 Lombardia 20143 IT |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 143 Rowayton Ave Suite 4 Norwalk, CT 06853 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | microFIND (MF1-25, MF2-50, MF3-75, MF4-100) | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F vials set | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F tips | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F labels | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F consumable kit | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: waste empty tank | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: system liquid empty tank | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: rack | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: printer | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: humidifier | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: disassembler | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: barcode reader | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: assembler | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F accessory: TC26 thermostatic unit | 2014-12-16 |
Thomas E Sandvick [Tethis S.p.A.] | autoFIND F 6000 | 2014-12-16 |