Tria Beauty

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Tria Beauty. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3005572989
FEI Number3005572989
NameTRIA Beauty
Owner & OperatorChannel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty
Contact Address7999 Gateway Blvd Suite 100
Newark CA 94560 US
Official Correspondent
  • Dan Marinsik
  • 1-510-8576296-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address14796 Wicks Blvd.
San Leandro, CA 94577 US
Establishment TypeComplaint File Establishment per 21 CFR 820.198

FDA Filings

Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 37252020-07-21
Tria Beauty
Hair Removal Laser Precisison 36342020-07-21
Tria Beauty
Positively Clear Acne Clearing Blue Light 33862020-07-21
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 31922020-07-21
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 31592020-07-21
Tria Beauty
Skin Renu Laser 137522020-07-21
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 37242018-07-23
Tria Beauty
Positively Clear 33742018-07-16
Tria Beauty
Hair Removal Laser Precisison 36002018-07-06
Tria Beauty
Smooth Beauty Eye Wrinkle Laser 35032018-07-06
Tria Beauty
Smooth Beauty Laser 34262018-07-06
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 32712018-07-06
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 31782018-07-06
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 31752018-07-06
Tria Beauty
HAIR REMOVAL LASER 31742018-07-06
TRIA Beauty [Channel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty]
TRIA Beauty [Channel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty]
TRIA Beauty [Channel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty]
TRIA Beauty [Channel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty]
TRIA Beauty [Channel Investments, doing business as Tria Beauty]

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