This page includes the latest FDA filings for Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3003435027 | ||||||||
FEI Number | 3003435027 | ||||||||
Name | Emily Nan | ||||||||
Owner & Operator | Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co.,Ltd | ||||||||
Contact Address | No.12 Building, Jiangjun Industry Zone Wenzhou CN-33 Zhejiang 325000 CN | ||||||||
Official Correspondent |
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US Agent |
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Importing Logistics Registration |
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Registration Status | 1 | ||||||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||||||
Registration Address | 1321 Upland Dr., Apt 1710 Houston, TX 77043 US | ||||||||
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Emily Nan [Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co.,Ltd] | sunglasses | 2013-12-29 |
Emily Nan [Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co.,Ltd] | optical lens | 2013-12-29 |
Emily Nan [Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co.,Ltd] | optical frame | 2003-08-19 |
Emily Nan [Wenzhou Meiyate Spectacles Co.,Ltd] | reading glasses | 2001-02-27 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020082278962 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | READING GLASSES | 10 CTN |
2020061725207 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | READING GLASSES | 51 CTN |
2020061652742 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | READING GLASSES | 34 CTN |
2020010931438 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | READING GLASSES HTS CODE 9004 90 SUNGLASSES H | 161 CTN |
2019122113683 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | READING GLASSES | 32 CTN |
2019121136442 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | READING GLASSES | 11 CTN |
2019112135488 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | READING GLASSES HTS CODE 9004 90 NOTIFY PARTY | 6 CTN |
2019110924036 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | SUNGLASSES HTS CODE 9004 10 READING GLASSES H | 46 CTN |