Ynap Corp

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Ynap Corp. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

Ynap Corp holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3009798305
FEI Number3009798305
NameYNAP Corporation
Owner & OperatorNet-A-Porter LLC
Contact Address725 Darlington Avennue
Mahwah NJ 07430 US
Official Correspondent
  • Anthony Iorio
  • x-732-9434562-3051
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterY
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address725 Darlington Avennue
Mahwah, NJ 07430 US

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
20200903438Anvers,Belgium -> New York, New YorkLEATHER SHOES27 PKG
2020080719674Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyFOOTWEAR71 CTN
2020080115167Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyWOMEN'S LEATHER HANDBAGS29 CTN
2020080115166Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyWEARING APPAREL140 CTN
2020073119693Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyWEARING APPAREL140 CTN
2020073119694Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyWOMEN'S LEATHER HANDBAGS29 CTN
2020072039233La Spezia,Italy -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyPAPER19 CTN
2020050815751Anvers,Belgium -> New York, New YorkLEATHER SHOES27 PKG

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