1. The first time you use this product, please consult aprofessional doctor and confirm the diagnosis of nail fungalinfection suitable for this product.
2. Patients with extensive fungal infections, such as those withmore than two fingernails (or toenails) affected or a singletoenail infection covering more than half of the nail area, requirecomprehensive treatment. Consultation with a specialist isrecommended before using this product.
3.Please read the instructions carefully before usingthisproduct, and use it in strict accordance with the instructions.
4. This product should not be inhaled and should avoid contactwith mucous membranes (such as mouth, nose) and skin folds.
5. lf the liniment accidentally gets into the eyes or ears, rinsewith water immediately, and immediately go to the nearesthospital to consult a doctor or pharmacist.
6. lf you take this product by mistake, go to the nearest hospitalimmediately to consult a doctor or pharmacist.
7. Lactating women should avoid using this product.
8. lt is not recommended for children due to the lack of relevantclinical research data.