A. For Preoperative Washing by Operating Personnel
1. Wet hands with water. Pour about 5 cc (1 teaspoonful) of PVP Scrub Solution on the palm of the hand and spread over both hands. Without adding more water, rub the Scrub thoroughly over all areas for about five minutes. Use brush if desired.
2. Clean thoroughly under fingernails. Add a litle water and develop copious suds. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Complete the wash by scrubbing with another 5 cc of PVP Scrub Solution in the same way.
B. For Preoperative Use on Patients
After the skin area is shaved, wet it with water. Apply PVP Scrub Solution (1 cc is sufficient to cover an area of 20-30 square inches), develop lather and scrub thoroughly for about five minutes. Rinse off by aid of sterile gauze saturated with water. The area may then be painted with PVP Scrub Solution and allowed to dry.