Active Ingredients:
Contains Skin Emollients
Caution:Hazard statement(s): May be harmful if swallowed. May cause eye irritation.
Precautionary statement(s): Do not eat, drink or smoke while using this
product. Wear protective gloves, clothing, and eye and face protection.
Hazards not otherwise classified: None Known.
Storage and Disposal: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. Dispose of contents/
container in accordance with licensed collector’s sorting instructions.
First Aid:
General Advice: May cause eye irritation with corneal injury and result in
impairment of vision.
External: If irritation occurs, flush with plenty of cool, running water for at least
15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing
before reuse.
Eyes: Immediately flush with plenty of cool, running water. Remove contact
lenses; then continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart.
Call a physician.
Internal: Call a physician immediately. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
Rinse mouth, then immediately drink one or two large glasses of water or milk.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Inhalation of vapors: Should not occur with proper use of this product.
Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed: None Known.
Immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if any: None
Defend- Elite™ is a sprayable iodine based barrier teat dip designed to
aid in the prevention and spread of mastitis causing organisms.
Use at Full-Strength
Pre-Dipping: Just prior to milking, make sure teats are clean and dry. Dip,
spray or foam teats with a ProActive Solutions Pre or Pre & Post teat dip to
base of udder. Allow 15 – 30 seconds of contact time. Dry with a single
service towel before attaching milking units. If using dip cups, replace
solution if it becomes visibly dirty.
Post-Dipping: Immediately after milking, dip or spray teats with undiluted
Defend- Elite™ sprayable iodine barrier teat dip. Cover teats to the base
of the udder. Allow to air dry. If using dip cups, re-place solution if it
becomes visibly dirty. During cold weather, do not turn cows out until the
teats are dry to prevent chapping and freezing. If necessary, wipe dry with
single service towel.
Replace the solution if it becomes visibly dirty.