Nicotine by is a Otc medication manufactured, distributed, or labeled by Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC. Drug facts, warnings, and ingredients follow.
Weeks 1 to 6 |
Weeks 7 to 9 |
Weeks 10 to 12 |
1 piece every 1 to 2 hours |
1 piece every 2 to 4 hours |
1 piece every 4 to 8 hours |
Nicotine Polacrilex Gum
2 mg and 4 mg User’s Guide
How To Use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum To Help You Quit Smoking.
Keys To Success.
So You Decided To Quit.
Congratulations. Your decision to stop smoking is an important one. That’s why you’ve made the right choice choosing Nicotine Polacrilex Gum. Your own chances of quitting smoking depend on how much you want to quit, how strongly you are addicted to tobacco, and how closely you follow a quitting program like the one that comes with Nicotine Polacrilex Gum.
Quitting Smoking Is Hard!
If you’ve tried to quit before and haven’t succeeded, don’t be discouraged! Quitting isn’t easy. It takes time, and most people try a few times before they are successful. The important thing is to try again until you succeed. This User’s Guide will give you support as you become a nonsmoker. It will answer common questions about Nicotine Polacrilex Gum and give you tips to help you stop smoking, and should be referred to often.
Where To Get Help.
You are more likely to stop smoking by using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum with a support program that helps you break your smoking habit. There may be support groups in your area for people trying to quit. Call your local chapter of the American Lung Association, American Cancer Society or American Heart Association for further information. Toll free phone numbers are printed on the Wallet Card on the bottom of this User’s Guide.
If you find you cannot stop smoking or if you start smoking again after using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum, remember breaking this addiction doesn’t happen overnight. You may want to talk to a health care professional who can help you improve your chances of quitting the next time you try Nicotine Polacrilex Gum or another method.
Let’s Get Organized.
Your reason for quitting may be a combination of concerns about health, the effect of smoking on your appearance, and pressure from your family and friends to stop smoking. Or maybe you’re concerned about the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke on the people you care about. All of these are good reasons. You probably have others. Decide your most important reasons, and write them down on the wallet card on the back of the User’s Guide. Carry this card with you. In difficult moments, when you want to smoke, the card will remind you why you are quitting.
What You’re Up Against.
Smoking is addictive in two ways. Your need for the nicotine has become both physical and mental. You must overcome both addictions to stop smoking. So while Nicotine Polacrilex Gum will lessen your body’s physical addiction to nicotine, you’ve got to want to quit smoking to overcome the mental dependence on cigarettes. Once you’ve decided that you’re going to quit, it’s time to get started. But first, there are some other important warnings you should consider.
Some Important Warnings.
This product is only for those who want to quit smoking. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, only use this medicine on the advice of your health care provider. Smoking can seriously harm your child. Try to stop smoking without using any nicotine replacement medicine. This medicine is believed to be safer than smoking. However, the risks to your child from this medicine are not fully known.
Ask a doctor before use if you have
Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are
Stop use and ask a doctor if
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Pieces of nicotine gum may have enough nicotine to make children and pets sick. Wrap used pieces of gum in paper and throw away in trash. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away (1-800-222-1222).
Let’s Get Started.
Becoming a nonsmoker starts today. First, check that you have bought the right starting dose. If you smoke you first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up, use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum 4 mg. If you smoke your first cigarette more than 30 minutes after waking up, use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum, 2 mg. Next, read through the entire User’s Guide carefully. Then, set your personalized quitting schedule. Take out a calendar that you can use to track your progress, and identify four dates, using the reminders on the back side of this leaflet:
Step 1. (Weeks 1-6). Your quit date (and the day you’ll start using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum).
Choose your quit date (it should be soon). This is the day you will begin using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum to satisfy your cravings for nicotine. For the first six weeks, you’ll use a piece of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum every hour or two. Be sure to read the How To Use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum section. Place the Step 1 reminder on this date.
Step 2. (Weeks 7-9). The day you’ll start reducing your use of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum
After six weeks, you’ll begin gradually reducing your Nicotine Polacrilex Gum usage to one piece every two to four hours. Place the Step 2 reminder on this date (the first day of week seven).
Step 3. (Weeks 10-12). The day you’ll further reduce you use of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum.
Nine weeks after you begin using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum, you will further reduce your nicotine intake by using one piece every four to eight hours. Place the step 3 reminder on this date (the first day of week ten). For the next three weeks, you’ll use a piece of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum every four to eight hours.
End of treatment: The day you’ll complete Nicotine Polacrilex Gum therapy.
Identify the date thirteen weeks after the date you choose in Step 1, and place the “EX-SMOKER” reminder on your calendar.
Plan Ahead.
Because smoking is an addiction, it is not easy to stop. After you’ve given up cigarettes, you will still have a strong urge to smoke. Plan ahead NOW for these times, so you’re not defeated in a moment of weakness. The following tips may help:
How Nicotine Polacrilex Gum Works.
Nicotine Polacrilex Gum sugar-free chewing gum pieces provide nicotine to your system – they work as a temporary aid to help you quit smoking by reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine Polacrilex Gum provides a lower level of nicotine to your blood than cigarettes, and allows you to gradually do away with your body’s need for nicotine. Because Nicotine Polacrilex Gum does not contain the tar or carbon monoxide of cigarette smoke, it does not have the same health dangers as tobacco. However, it still delivers nicotine, the addictive part of cigarette smoke. Nicotine can cause side effects such as a headache, nausea, upset stomach, and dizziness.
How To Use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum.
If you are under 18 years of age, ask a doctor before use. Before you can use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum correctly, you have to practice! That sounds silly, but isn’t. Nicotine Polacrilex Gum isn’t like ordinary chewing gum. It’s a medicine, and must be chewed a certain way to work right. Chewed like ordinary gum, Nicotine Polacrilex Gum won’t work well and can cause side effects. An overdose can occur if you chew more than one piece of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum at the same time, or if you chew many pieces one after another. Read all the following instructions before using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum. Refer to them often to make sure you’re using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum correctly. If you chew too fast, or do not chew correctly, you may get hiccups, heartburn, or other stomach problems. Don’t eat or drink for 15 minutes before using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum, or while chewing a piece. The effectiveness of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum may be reduced by some foods and drinks, such as coffee, juices, wine or soft drinks.
The following chart lists the recommended usage schedule for Nicotine Polacrilex Gum: |
Weeks 1 to 6 |
Weeks 7 to 9 |
Weeks 10 to 12 |
1 piece every 1 to 2 hours |
1 piece every 2 to 4 hours |
1 piece every 4 to 8 hours |
To improve your chances of quitting, use at least 9 pieces of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum a day. If you experience strong or frequent cravings you may use a second piece within the hour. However, do not continuously use one piece after another, since this may cause you hiccups, heartburn, nausea or other side effects.
How To Reduce Your Nicotine Polacrilex Gum Usage.
The goal of using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum is to slowly reduce your dependence on nicotine. The schedule for using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum will help you reduce your craving gradually as you reduce and then stop your use of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum. Here are some tips to help you cut back during each step and then stop using Nicotine Polacrilex Gum:
The following tips may help you try to stop Nicotine Polacrilex Gum when you have completed treatment.
Talk to your doctor or health care provider if you:
Tips To Make Quitting Easier.
Within the first few weeks of giving up smoking, you may be tempted to smoke for pleasure, particularly after completing a difficult task, or at a party or bar. Here are some tips to help get you through the important first stages of becoming a nonsmoker:
On your Quit Day:
Right After Quitting:
What to Expect.
Your body is now coming back into balance. During the first few days after you stop smoking, you might feel edgy and nervous and have trouble concentrating. You might get headaches, feel dizzy and a little out of sorts, feel sweaty or have stomach upsets. You might even have trouble sleeping at first. These are typical withdrawal symptoms that will go away with time. Your smoker’s cough will get worse before it gets better. But don’t worry, that’s a good sign. Coughing helps clear the tar deposits out of your lungs.
After A Week Or Two.
By now you should be feeling more confident that you can handle those smoking urges. Many of your withdrawal symptoms have left by now, and you should be noticing some positives signs: less coughing, better breathing and an improved sense of taste and smell, to name a few.
After A Month.
You probably have the urge to smoke less often now. But urges may still occur, and when they do, they are likely to be powerful ones that come out of nowhere. Don’t let them catch you off guard. Plan ahead for these difficult times.
Concentrate on the ways nonsmokers are more attractive than smokers. Their skin is less likely to wrinkle. Their teeth are whiter, cleaner. Their breath is fresher. Their hair and clothes smell better. That cough that seems to make even a laugh sound more like a rattle is a thing of the past. Their children and others around them are healthier, too.
What To Do About Relapse.
What should you do if you slip and start smoking again? The answer is simple. A lapse of one or two or even a few cigarettes has not spoiled your efforts! Discard your cigarettes, forgive yourself and try again. If you start smoking again, keep your box of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum for your next quit attempt.
If you have taken up regular smoking again, don’t be discouraged. Research shows that the best thing you can do is to try again. The important thing is to learn from your last attempt.
When The Struggle Is Over.
Once you’ve stopped smoking, take a second and pat yourself on your back. Now do it again. You deserve it. Remember now why you decided to stop smoking in the first place. Look at your list of reasons. Read them again. And smile. Now think about all the money you are saving and what you’ll do with it. All the nonsmoking places you can go, and what you might do there. All those years you may have added to your life, and what you’ll do with them. Remember that temptation may not be gone forever. However, the hard part is behind you so look forward with a positive attitude, and enjoy your new life as a nonsmoker.
Questions & Answers.
You’ll need to prepare yourself for some nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These begin almost immediately after you stop smoking, are usually at their worst during the first three or four days. Understand that any of the following is possible:
Nicotine Polacrilex Gum can help provide relief from withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and nervousness, as well as the craving for nicotine you used to satisfy by having a cigarette.
Nicotine Polacrilex Gum does not contain nicotine. The purpose of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum is to provide you with enough nicotine to help control the physical withdrawal symptoms so you can deal with the mental aspects of quitting. During the 12 week program, you will gradually reduce your nicotine intake by switching to fewer pieces each day.
For most adults, the amount of nicotine in the gum is less than from smoking. Some people will be sensitive to even this amount of nicotine and should not use this product without the advice from their doctor. Check the Some Important Warnings section on the front of this leaflet.
Because Nicotine Polacrilex Gum is a gum-based product, chewing it can cause dental fillings to loosen and aggravate other mouth, tooth, and jaw problems. Nicotine Polacrilex Gum can also cause hiccups, heartburn and other stomach problems especially if chewed too quickly or not chewed correctly.
Many people do tend to gain a few pounds the first 8 – 10 weeks after they stop smoking. This is a very small price to pay for the enormous gains that you will make in your overall health and attractiveness. If you continue to gain weight after the first two months, try to analyze what you’re doing differently. Reduce your fat intake, choose healthy snacks, and increase your physical activity to burn off the extra calories.
The total cost of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum for the twelve week program is about equal to what a person who smokes one and a half packs of cigarettes a day would spend on cigarettes for the same period of time.
Also, use of Nicotine Polacrilex Gum is only short-term cost, while the cost of smoking is a long-term cost, because of the health problems smoking causes.
Discard your cigarettes, forgive yourself and then get back on track. Don’t consider yourself a failure or punish yourself. In fact, people who have already tried to quit are more likely to be successful the next time.
Good Luck!
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Free Personalized Plan
Begin Right Now!
Having a plan will help you in your efforts to stop smoking. We can help! Follow the simple steps below to receive your valuable personalized Smoke Free Habits plan and many other stop smoking tools and resources.
How To Enroll
Stopping smoking involves breaking your physical addiction and changing your behavior. You will use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum to help break your physical addiction, while your free personalized plan will help you develop healthier behaviors.
To enroll:
(If you don’t have access to the internet, you can call 1-866-677-7858, answer questions, and your plan will be mailed to you in a few days.)
What You Will Receive
Here are the free tools and resources that you will receive based on how you sign up for the program:
Online |
By Phone |
Personalized 12-Week Plan |
immediately |
by mail |
Buddy Brochure |
immediately |
by mail |
Personal Wellness Assessment |
immediately | |
Week 2 Helpful Tips |
X | |
Week 3 Helpful Tips |
X |
by mail |
Week 4 Helpful Tips |
X | |
Week 6 Helpful Tips |
X |
by mail |
Week 9 Helpful Tips |
X | |
Week 12 Certificate of Accomplishment |
X |
by mail |
Online Drug Database |
X | |
Daily Health News |
X |
Tips To Get Started
Compare to Nicorette® Gum active ingredient
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine Polacrilex Gum 2 mg (nicotine)
Stop Smoking Aid
Includes User’s Guide
If you smoke your first cigarette WITHIN 30 MINUTES of waking up, use Nicotine Polacrilex Gum, 4 mg
Coated for Extreme Flavor
Ice Mint Flavor
100 Pieces, 2 mg EACH
Actual Size
nicotine polacrilex gum, chewing |
Labeler - Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC (023252638) |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
![]() NICOTINE 87518792 5591301 Live/Registered |
Nicotine LLC 2017-07-07 |
![]() NICOTINE 75604258 not registered Dead/Abandoned |
King, Jesse 1998-12-14 |
![]() NICOTINE 75604258 not registered Dead/Abandoned |
Brazie, Sean 1998-12-14 |
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Johnson, John 1998-12-14 |
![]() NICOTINE 75604258 not registered Dead/Abandoned |
Crouch, Richard 1998-12-14 |
![]() NICOTINE 75063628 2027268 Dead/Cancelled |
ECI, INC. 1996-02-26 |