Mix the following amounts of Uni-Sol 60 into the drinking water daily as analgesic/antipyretic or anti-inflammatory for:
Growing swine - ages wean to market
Growing chickens - ages 0-15 weeks
Growing turkeys - ages 0-24 weeks
Analgesic and Antipyretic:
Mix 0.6 ounces of Uni-Sol 60 per 1000 lb bodyweight (42 ml per 1000 Kg) into the drinking water daily to provide the target dose of 25 mg sodium salicylate per Kg bodyweight.
Anti-Inflammatory/ Anti-prostaglandin Effect:
First day- Mix 1.2 ounces of Uni-Sol 60 per 1000 lb bodyweight (84 ml per 1000 Kg) into the drinking water daily to provide the target dose of 50 mg sodium salicylate per Kg bodyweight. Following days- Mix 0.7 ounce of Uni-Sol 60 per 1000 lb bodyweight (50 ml per 1000 Kg) into the drinking water daily to provide the target dose of 30 mg sodium salicylate per Kg bodyweight.
Prepare fresh solutions daily. Repeat as necessary.