1. Surgical hand disinfection: After washing and drying your hands and forearms with soap, take 5 ml of this product and evenly rub it to your hands and forearms according to methods specified in <Technical specification for disinfection> for 3 minutes, then sterile gloves can be worn.
2, Hygienic hand disinfection: Wipe or spray your hands with this product and rub until dry, and disinfect for 1 minute
3. Intact skin disinfection before injection or infusion: wipe or spray directly on the site to be disinfected for 1-2 times, sterilize for more than 1 minute
4 Before the operation, intact skin disinfection of the surgical site was carried out: preoperative preparation was carried out according to the standard requirements. The skin of the surgical site was evenly coated with this product with sterile gauze for 2 times or directly sprayed with the product for 2 times on the site to be disinfected for 2-3 minutes