Must be Thoroughly Mixed in Feeds
Before Use. Not approved for Use With
Pellet Binders.
Restricted Drug (California)- Use Only as Directed
For Use in Broiler Chickens Only
Sacox 60 can be used to provide concentrations of
salinomycin ranging from 40 to 60 g/ton. The dosage
should be adjusted to meet the severity of the coccidial
challenge,which varies with environmental and management
Mixing Directions
Thoroughly mix the correct amount of the premix
according to the directions below with an amount of non-medicated
feed to provide the level of salinomycin per
ton of feed.
Salinomycin Sodium Activity Amount of Sacox Premix
(grams per ton) Per Ton of Feed
40 11 ounces
45 12 ounces
50 13.5 ounces
55 14.5 ounces
60 1 pound
Feeding Directions
Feed continuously as the only ration