RETHYMIC by is a Prescription medication manufactured, distributed, or labeled by Enzyvant Therapeutics Inc.. Drug facts, warnings, and ingredients follow.
RETHYMIC is indicated for immune reconstitution in pediatric patients with congenital athymia. (1)
Limitations of Use:
RETHYMIC is administered by a surgical procedure. The recommended dose range is 5,000 to 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC/m2 recipient body surface area (BSA). (2) Immunosuppressive therapy is recommended for patients receiving RETHYMIC based on disease phenotype and PHA levels. (14)
RETHYMIC consists of yellow to brown slices of processed tissue with varying thickness and shape. The dosage is determined by the surface area of the RETHYMIC slices and recipient BSA. (3)
None. (4)
The most common (>10%) adverse events related to RETHYMIC included: hypertension (high blood pressure, 19%), cytokine release syndrome (18%), rash (15%), hypomagnesemia (low magnesium, 16%), renal impairment / failure (decrease of kidney function, 12%), thrombocytopenia (low platelets, 12%), and graft versus host disease, (10%). (6.1)
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Sumitomo Pharma America at 833-369-9868 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Revised: 7/2023
RETHYMIC is administered by a surgical procedure. The dosage is determined by the total surface area of the RETHYMIC slices and recipient body surface area (BSA). A RETHYMIC slice is defined as the contents on a single filter membrane; the RETHYMIC slices are variable in size and shape. The recommended dose range is 5,000 to 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC surface area/m2 recipient BSA. The manufacturer calculates the dose in advance for the specific patient; the amount of product provided is adjusted at the manufacturing facility to ensure the maximum dose for the patient cannot be exceeded. Up to 42 cultured RETHYMIC slices will be provided for each patient. At the time of surgery, the manufacturing personnel communicate to the surgical team the portion of the product that represents the minimum dose. Patients with evidence of maternal engraftment or an elevated response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) should receive RETHYMIC with immunosuppressive medications (Table 2).
Surgical implantation of RETHYMIC should be done by a qualified surgical team in a single surgical session at a qualified hospital. RETHYMIC should be implanted in the quadriceps muscle in accordance with the instructions provided below. Implantation of RETHYMIC into the quadriceps requires a healthy bed of muscle tissue.
Preparation for the Implantation Procedure:
Figure 1: Preparing for the Implantation Procedure
Figure 1: Within the sterile field, forceps are used to move individual RETHYMIC slices with their filter membranes from the drug product dish to the operating room culture dish (left images). A pair of forceps is used to gently scrape and lift the RETHYMIC slice off the filter membrane in the operating room culture dish in preparation for easy removal prior to implantation (right images).
Implantation of RETHYMIC:
Figure 2: Surgical Incision and Opening of Fascia
Figure 3: Implant Individual RETHYMIC Slices
Figure 4: Close the Site of Implantation
RETHYMIC consists of yellow to brown slices of processed thymus tissue with varying thickness and shape. Each drug product dish contains up to 4 RETHYMIC slices that adhere to circular filter membranes on top of surgical sponges in 5 mL of medium. The RETHYMIC slices are variable in size and shape; a RETHYMIC slice is defined as the contents of a single filter membrane. The dosage is based on the total surface area of the RETHYMIC slices, and the amount administered is calculated based on recipient BSA. The surgeon should implant as many RETHYMIC slices as possible within the recommended dose range of 5,000 to 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC/m2 recipient BSA. The manufacturer calculates the dose in advance for the specific patient; the amount of product provided is adjusted at the manufacturing facility to ensure the maximum dose for the patient cannot be exceeded. Up to 42 RETHYMIC slices will be provided for each patient. At the time of surgery, the manufacturing personnel will inform the surgical team of the portion of the product that represents the minimum dose.
Immune reconstitution sufficient to protect from infection is unlikely to develop prior to 6-12 months after treatment with RETHYMIC. Given the immunocompromised condition of athymic patients, follow infection control measures until the development of thymic function is established as measured through flow cytometry. This should include counseling patients and their caregivers on good handwashing practices and minimizing exposure to visitors. Monitor patients closely for signs of infection, including fever. If a fever develops, assess the patient by blood and other cultures and treat with antimicrobials as clinically indicated.
Patients should be maintained on immunoglobulin replacement therapy until all of the following criteria are met:
Two months after stopping immunoglobulin replacement therapy, the IgG trough level should be checked.
Prior to and after treatment with RETHYMIC, patients should be maintained on Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis until all of the following criteria are met:
In clinical studies with RETHYMIC, GVHD occurred in 11 (10%) RETHYMIC-treated patients of whom 6 (55%) died. RETHYMIC may cause or exacerbate pre-existing GVHD. Seven patients (7%) experienced autologous GVHD, 3 patients (3%) experienced GVHD due to maternal cells and 1 patient (1%) experienced GVHD due to cells from a prior hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT). Risk factors for GVHD include atypical complete DiGeorge anomaly phenotype, prior HCT and maternal engraftment. GVHD may manifest as fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, elevated bilirubin and liver enzymes, enteritis, and/or diarrhea. Patients with elevated baseline T cell proliferative response to PHA > 5,000 cpm or > 20-fold over background should receive immunosuppressive therapies to decrease the risk of GVHD (Table 2 and Table 3). Development of GVHD symptoms should be closely monitored and promptly treated.
Thirty-seven patients (35%) in the RETHYMIC clinical program experienced autoimmune-related adverse reactions. These events included: thrombocytopenia (including idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) in 13 patients (12%), neutropenia in 9 patients (9%), proteinuria in 7 patients (7%), hemolytic anemia in 7 patients (7%), alopecia in 4 patients (4%), hypothyroidism in 2 patients (2%), autoimmune hepatitis in 2 patients (2%), and autoimmune arthritis (juvenile idiopathic and psoriatic arthritis) in 2 patients (2%). One patient (1%) each experienced transverse myelitis, albinism, hyperthyroidism, and ovarian failure. The onset of autoimmune related events ranged from the three days before the surgical implantation procedure until 16 years post-treatment. Most events occurred within the first year after treatment.
Monitor complete blood counts with differential weekly for the first 2 months post-treatment and then monthly through 12 months post-treatment. Liver enzymes including aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, serum creatinine levels, and urinalysis should be performed monthly for 3 months and then every 3 months through 12 months post-treatment. Thyroid function studies should be performed prior to treatment and then at 6 months and 12 months post-treatment. After 12 months, testing should be performed annually.
Ten patients with renal impairment (elevated serum creatinine at baseline) were treated in studies with RETHYMIC. Five of these patients died within 1 year and a sixth patient died 3 years after treatment with RETHYMIC. Renal impairment at baseline is considered a risk factor for death.
In clinical studies with RETHYMIC, 4 out of 4 patients with preexisting CMV infection prior to treatment with RETHYMIC died. The benefits/risks of treatment should be considered prior to treating patients with pre-existing CMV infection.
Because of the underlying immune deficiency, patients who receive RETHYMIC may be at risk of developing post-treatment lymphoproliferative disorder (blood cancer). The infant tissue donor is screened for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV), but patients should be tested for EBV and CMV using PCR prior to and 3 months following treatment with RETHYMIC, or after any exposure to or suspected infection with CMV or EBV.
Transmission of infectious disease may occur because RETHYMIC is derived from human tissue. Disease may be caused by known or unknown infectious agents. Donors are screened for increased risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum, Trypanosoma cruzi, West Nile virus (WNV), transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents, vaccinia and Zika virus. Donors are also screened for clinical evidence of sepsis, and communicable disease risks associated with xenotransplantation. Blood samples (from the infant tissue donor or the birth mother, as applicable) are tested for HIV types 1, 2, and O, HTLV types I and II, HBV, HCV, T. pallidum, WNV, and T. cruzi. Blood from the infant tissue donor is also tested for Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and CMV. RETHYMIC is tested for sterility, endotoxin, and mycoplasma. These measures do not eliminate the risk of transmitting these or other infectious diseases and disease agents.
Testing of maternal and infant donor blood is also performed for evidence of donor infection due to cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Product manufacturing includes porcine- and bovine-derived reagents. While all animal-derived reagents are tested for animal viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma before use, these measures do not eliminate the risk of transmitting these or other transmissible infectious diseases and disease agents.
Final sterility and mycoplasma test results are not available at the time of use, but manufacturing personnel will communicate any positive results from sterility testing to the physician. Report the occurrence of transmitted infection to Sumitomo Pharma America at 833-369-9868.
Immunizations should not be administered in patients who have received RETHYMIC until immune-function criteria have been met.
Inactivated vaccines:
Inactivated vaccines may be administered once all of the following criteria are met:
It is recommended that no more than 2 inactivated vaccines be given per month.
Live Vaccines:
Live virus vaccines should not be administered until patients have met the criteria for inactivated vaccines and received vaccinations with inactivated agents (e.g., tetanus toxoid). No additional vaccines (live or inactivated), except the inactivated influenza vaccine, should be given within 6 months after vaccination with a measles-containing vaccine or within 2 months after the varicella vaccine. Consider verifying response to vaccination with appropriate testing, in particular varicella and measles.
All patients should be screened for anti-HLA antibodies prior to receiving RETHYMIC. Patients testing positive for anti-HLA antibodies should receive RETHYMIC from a donor who does not express those HLA alleles.
HLA matching is required in patients who have received a prior hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) or a solid organ transplant. Patients who have received a prior HCT are at increased risk of developing GVHD after RETHYMIC if the HCT donor did not fully match the recipient. To minimize this risk, HLA matching of RETHYMIC to recipient alleles that were not expressed in the HCT donor is recommended.
The most common adverse reactions (incidence in at least 10% of patients) reported following administration of RETHYMIC were hypertension (high blood pressure), cytokine release syndrome, rash, hypomagnesemia (low magnesium), renal impairment / failure (decrease of kidney function), thrombocytopenia (low platelets), and graft versus host disease.
Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
The safety data described in this section are derived from 10 prospective, single-center, open-label studies, and include 105 patients who were treated with RETHYMIC in these studies and who had at least one year of follow-up. Table 1 lists the adverse reactions occurring in 105 patients who were treated with RETHYMIC in these studies.
System Organ Class Preferred Term | RETHYMIC (N=105) n (%) |
Number of Patients with Adverse Reactions* | 80 (76) |
Hypertension (high blood pressure) | 20 (19) |
Cytokine release syndrome† | 19 (18) |
Hypomagnesemia (low magnesium) | 17 (16) |
Rash‡ | 16 (15) |
Renal impairment / failure§ (decrease of kidney function) | 13 (12) |
Thrombocytopenia¶ (low platelets) | 13 (12) |
Graft versus host disease# | 11 (10) |
Hemolytic anemiaÞ (low red bloods cells) | 9 (9) |
Neutropenia (low white blood cells) | 9 (9) |
Respiratory distressß (difficulty breathing) | 8 (8) |
Proteinuria (protein in urine) | 7 (7) |
Pyrexia (fever) | 6 (6) |
Acidosisà | 6 (6) |
Diarrheaè | 5 (5) |
Seizureð | 5 (5) |
Of the 105 patients, 29 patients died after receiving RETHYMIC, including 23 deaths in the first year (<365 days) after treatment with RETHYMIC. Causes of death in the first year included 13 deaths due to infection or complications due to infection, 5 deaths due to respiratory failure / hypoxia, 3 deaths due to hemorrhage-related events, and 2 deaths due to cardiorespiratory arrest. Of the 6 patients who died more than 1 year after treatment with RETHYMIC, the deaths were considered unrelated to study treatment: 2 died due to respiratory failure and 1 died due to each of the following: cardiopulmonary arrest, intracranial hemorrhage, infection, and unknown cause.
Risk Summary
There are no clinical data with RETHYMIC in pregnant women. No animal reproductive and developmental toxicity studies have been conducted with RETHYMIC. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2-4% and 15-20%, respectively.
Risk Summary
There is no information regarding the presence of cellular components of RETHYMIC in human milk, the effect breastfeeding may have on RETHYMIC, the effect of being breastfed from a mother who received RETHYMIC as a child, or the effects of RETHYMIC on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother's clinical need for RETHYMIC and potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from RETHYMIC.
No nonclinical or clinical studies were performed to evaluate the effects of RETHYMIC on fertility.
The efficacy and safety of RETHYMIC have been established in pediatric patients with congenital athymia. The efficacy of RETHYMIC has been established in 95 pediatric patients (median age 9 months [range: 33 days to 3 years], including 65 patients age <1 year, 24 patients age 1 to <2 years, and 6 patients age 2 to <3 years at time of treatment) who were treated with RETHYMIC and included in the analysis of efficacy [see Clinical Studies (14)]. The safety of RETHYMIC has been established in 105 pediatric patients (median age 9 months [range: 33 days to 16.9 years] at time of treatment) with congenital athymia who were evaluated for safety following RETHYMIC administration. The safety population included 65 patients age <1 year, 27 patients age 1 to <2 years, 9 patients age 2 to <3 years, 1 patient age 3 to <6 years, and 3 patients age 13 to 17 years at time of treatment. Within the safety population, survival was similar across age groups. Adverse reactions were reported at similar frequencies across the age groups and were generally of similar types and severities.
In the clinical studies with RETHYMIC, 10 of 105 patients had impaired renal function at baseline based on elevated screening creatinine [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)]. Baseline renal function should be considered when selecting immunosuppressants. Ensure appropriate involvement of a nephrologist in care of patients with renal impairment.
The maximum recommended dose is 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC/m2 recipient body surface area (BSA). Standard clinical care is recommended for patients receiving a dose > 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC/m2 recipient BSA. The product, as provided, has been adjusted at the manufacturing facility to not exceed the maximum dose based on the patient body surface area.
During clinical development one patient received a dose higher (23,755 mm2/m2) than the maximum recommended dose. This patient developed enteritis. A biopsy showed T cell, B cell, and neutrophil infiltration of the gut which resolved after treatment with immunosuppression, 5 months after treatment with RETHYMIC. The enteritis may have been related to the high dose of RETHYMIC.
RETHYMIC consists of yellow to brown slices of allogeneic processed thymus tissue for administration by surgical implantation. Three to 11 drug product containers, with a total of 10 to 42 RETHYMIC slices, are provided for each patient. Each drug product container provides up to 4 RETHYMIC slices of variable size. The total dose, based on the number of slices administered to the patient, is 5,000 to 22,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC/m2 recipient BSA.
Thymus tissue is obtained from donors less than or equal to 9 months of age undergoing cardiac surgery. This thymus tissue is aseptically processed and cultured for 12 to 21 days to produce RETHYMIC slices. Each product lot is manufactured from a single unrelated donor and one product lot treats a single patient. The manufacturing process preserves the thymic epithelial cells and tissue structure and depletes most of the donor thymocytes from the tissue. These RETHYMIC slices are then surgically implanted into patients with congenital athymia.
The product manufacture uses reagents derived from animal materials. The surgical sponge used during culturing is porcine-derived. Fetal bovine serum is a component in the culture medium used to culture the thymus slices and RETHYMIC is formulated in media that is supplemented with fetal bovine serum. Therefore, bovine- and porcine-derived proteins will be present in RETHYMIC. These animal-derived reagents are tested for animal viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and mycoplasma before use.
RETHYMIC is intended to reconstitute immunity in patients who are athymic. The proposed mechanism of action involves the migration of recipient T cell progenitors from the bone marrow to the implanted RETHYMIC slices, where they develop into naïve immunocompetent recipient T cells. Evidence of thymic function can be observed with the development of naïve T cells in the peripheral blood; this is unlikely to be observed prior to 6-12 months after treatment with RETHYMIC.
The efficacy of RETHYMIC was evaluated in 10 prospective, single-center, open-label studies that enrolled a total of 105 patients, including 95 patients in the primary efficacy analysis. The demographics and baseline characteristics of the patients enrolled in the clinical studies were similar across studies. Across the efficacy population, 59% were male; 70% were White, 22% were Black, 4% were Asian/Pacific Islander; 2% were American Indian/Alaskan Native; and 2% were multi-race. The median (range) age at the time of treatment was 9 months (1-36). The diagnosis of congenital athymia was based on flow cytometry documenting fewer than 50 naïve T cells/mm3 (CD45RA+, CD62L+) in the peripheral blood or less than 5% of total T cells being naïve in phenotype in 91/95 patients (range 0-98 naïve T cells/mm3). In addition to congenital athymia, patients also had complete DiGeorge syndrome (cDGS; also referred to as complete DiGeorge anomaly (cDGA)) if they also met at least one of the following criteria: congenital heart defect, hypoparathyroidism (or hypocalcemia requiring calcium replacement), 22q11 hemizygosity, 10p13 hemizygosity, CHARGE (coloboma, heart defect, choanal atresia, growth and development retardation, genital hypoplasia, ear defects including deafness) syndrome, or CHD7 mutation. Across the efficacy population, 93 patients (98%) were diagnosed with cDGS, and the most common DiGeorge gene mutations or syndromic associations were Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion (36 patients; 38%) and CHARGE syndrome (23 patients; 24%). There were 35 patients with missing or no identified genetic mutations. Two (2%) patients had FOXN1 deficiency, and 1 patient (1%) had a TBX variant. There were 50 (53%) patients with typical cDGS; these patients had congenital athymia with the absence of a T cell-related rash. There were 42 (44%) patients diagnosed with atypical cDGS; these patients may have had a rash, lymphadenopathy, or oligoclonal T cells. Patients who did not have congenital athymia (e.g. SCID) and patients with prior transplants, including thymus and HCT, were excluded from the efficacy analysis population. The baseline demographics and disease characteristics were similar in the safety population.
Patients with heart surgery anticipated within 4 weeks prior to, or 3 months after, the planned RETHYMIC treatment date, patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and patients who were not considered good surgical candidates were excluded from study participation.
Patients in the efficacy population received RETHYMIC in a single surgical procedure at a dose of 4,900 to 24,000 mm2 of RETHYMIC / recipient BSA in m2. Patients were assigned to receive immunosuppressive therapy prior to and/or after treatment according to their disease phenotype and pre-RETHYMIC PHA response. Table 2 summarizes the criteria used to administer immunosuppression. Table 3 summarizes the specific immunosuppressant dosing used in RETHYMIC clinical studies. No patients were retreated with RETHYMIC.
Complete DiGeorge Anomaly Phenotype | Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) Response* | Immunosuppression Used During Clinical Studies with RETHYMIC |
Abbreviations: ATG-R: anti-thymocyte globulin [rabbit] (Thymoglobulin); cpm: counts per minute; MMF: mycophenylate mofetil; PHA: phytohemagglutinin | ||
Typical | < 5,000 cpm or < 20-fold response to PHA over background | None |
Typical | ≥ 5,000 cpm and < 50,000 cpm or Evidence of maternal engraftment |
Typical | ≥ 50,000 cpm |
Atypical | < 40,000 cpm on immunosuppression or < 75,000 cpm when not on immunosuppression |
Atypical | ≥ 40,000 cpm on immunosuppression or ≥ 75,000 cpm when not on immunosuppression or Evidence of maternal engraftment |
Immunosuppressant | Dose of Immunosuppressant |
Abbreviations: ATG-R: anti-thymocyte globulin [rabbit] (Thymoglobulin); IV: intravenous; MMF: mycophenylate mofetil; PO: oral | |
Methylprednisolone*,† |
Cyclosporine‡,§,¶ |
Basiliximab |
Alemtuzumab# |
The Kaplan-Meier estimated survival rates were 77% (95% CI [0.670, 0.841]) at 1 year and 76% (95% CI [0.658, 0.832]) at 2 years. For patients who were alive at 1 year after treatment with RETHYMIC, the survival rate was 94% at a median follow-up of 10.7 years.
Without treatment, congenital athymia is fatal in childhood. In a natural history population observed from 1991 through 2017, 49 patients diagnosed with congenital athymia received supportive care only. The 2-year survival rate was 6%, with all patients dying by 3 years of age. This population included 33 (67%) males. The most common cause of death was infection in 26 (53%) patients. Other common causes (≥10%) included support withdrawn in 7 (14%) patients, respiratory arrest in 5 (10%) patients, and cardiac arrest in 5 (10%) patients.
The Kaplan-Meier estimated survival rates for the RETHYMIC clinical trial population and the natural history population are shown in Figure 5. Four patients with >50 naïve T cells/mm3 (CD45RA+, CD62L+) at time of RETHYMIC administration have been treated; 2 (50%) were alive with follow-up less than 2 years.
Figure 5: Kaplan-Meier Survival by Year (RETHYMIC Efficacy Analysis Population and Natural History Population)
RETHYMIC significantly reduced the number of infections over time. In the first year after treatment with RETHYMIC, the number of patients with an infection event onset 6 to ≤ 12 months after treatment decreased by 38% (from 63 to 39) relative to the number of patients with an infection event onset in the first 6 months post-treatment. A two-year analysis showed a decrease in both the number of patients with an infection event and the mean number of infection events per patient, with an onset in the first 12 months post-treatment as compared to 12 to ≤ 24 months after treatment. There was a mean difference of 2.9 events (p<0.001) per patient.
Naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells reconstituted over the first year, with a durable increase through Year 2. Median (minimum, maximum) naïve CD4+ T cells/mm3 increased from a baseline of 1 (0, 38) to values of 42 (0, 653), 212 (1, 751), and 275 (33, 858) at 6, 12, and 24 months after treatment with RETHYMIC, respectively. Median naïve CD8+ T cells/mm3 increased from a baseline of 0 (0, 46) to values of 9 (0, 163), 58 (0, 304), and 86 (6, 275) at 6, 12, and 24 months after treatment with RETHYMIC, respectively. This was accompanied by functional improvements based on T cell proliferative responses to PHA.
How Supplied
Storage and Handling
Advise patients and/or their caregivers that:
Advise patients and/or their caregivers of the following risks:
PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 22,000 mm Container Label
NDC 72359–001–02
allogeneic processed thymus tissue–agdc
Dosage for entire lot is 5000 – 22,000 mm^2
RETHYMIC /m^2 recipient body surface area.
Handle aseptically. Do not agitate or sterilize.
Formulated in media that is supplemented with fetal
bovine serum. Preservative Free. Store at room
temperature. Do not freeze or refrigerate.
Lot # GMP–423
Container 1 of 11
Expiration: 13JUN2023
Contains up to 4 slices of RETHYMIC
adhered to filter membranes on top of
surgical sponges in 5 mL of media.
For intended recipient only. Rx Only.
For administration by surgical implantation.
See package insert for full prescribing
information and instructions for administration.
Manufactured for Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.
Marlborough, MA 01752
Telephone: 1–833–369–9868
Lic. #: 2368
PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 22,000 mm Container Box Label
NDC 72359–001–01
allogeneic processed thymus tissue–agdc
Dosage for entire lot is 5000 – 22,000 mm^2
RETHYMIC /m^2 recipient body surface area.
This entire lot contains 22,000 mm^2 RETHYMIC.
Formulated in media that is supplemented with fetal
bovine serum. Preservative free.
Handle aseptically. Do not agitate or sterilize.
Store at room temperature. Do not freeze or refrigerate.
Lot # GMP–423
Expiration: 13JUN2023
Manufactured for Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.
Marlborough, MA 01752
Telephone: 1–833–369–9868
Lic. #: 2368
allogenic thymocyte-depleted thymus tissue-agdc implant |
Labeler - Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc. (131661746) |
Registrant - Sumitomo Pharma Switzerland GmbH (480146015) |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
![]() RETHYMIC 88715931 not registered Live/Pending |
Enzyvant Therapeutics GmbH 2019-12-05 |
![]() RETHYMIC 88319658 not registered Live/Pending |
Enzyvant Therapeutics GmbH 2019-02-28 |