Shake well before use. Adults, children 12 years of age and over, and children 2 years to under 12 years of age: Oral dosage is a single dose of 5 milligrams of pyrantel base per pound, or 11 milligrams per kilogram, of body weight. Do not exceed 1 gram (1000 mg).
*Read package insert carefully before taking this medication. Take only according to directions and do not exceed the recommended dosage unless directed by a doctor. Medication should only be taken one time as a single dose; do not repeat treatment unless directed by a doctor. When one individual in a household has pinworms, the entire household should be treated unless otherwise advised. See Warnings. If any worms other than pinworms are present before or after treatment consult a doctor. If any symptoms or pinworms are still present after treatment, consult a doctor.
*This product can be taken any time of day, with or without meals, it may be taken alone or with milk or fruit juice. Use of a laxative is not necessary prior to, during or after medication.