ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE: Orally - 1 to 2 g of phenylbutazone per 500 lb. of body weight daily. Do not exceed 4 g daily.
Guidelines to Successful Therapy: Use a relatively high dose for the first 48 hours, then reduce gradually to a maintenance dose. Maintain lowest dose capable of producing desired clinical response. Response to Phenylbutazone Paste therapy is prompt, usually occurring within 24 hours. If no significant clinical effect is evident after five days, re-evaluate diagnosis and therapeutic approach.
When administering Phenylbutazone Paste, the oral cavity should be empty. Deposit paste on back of tongue by depressing plunger that has been previously set to deliver the correct dose. Many chronic conditions will respond to Phenylbutazone Paste therapy, but discontinuance of treatment may result in recurrence of symptoms.