Primary Device ID | 00083208280115 |
NIH Device Record Key | e42ba3fd-77a8-4a6d-8ac6-49d087e8aded |
Commercial Distribution Discontinuation | 2019-06-11 |
Commercial Distribution Status | Not in Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | Tatum Surgical/One Piece small ball head implant |
Version Model Number | One Piece/8.0x11SB |
Catalog Number | ITO8.0x11SB |
Company DUNS | 078352849 |
Company Name | Suncoast Dental, Inc |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | true |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | MR Safe |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | false |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
00083208280146 | One Piece Dental Implant 8.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208280115 | One Piece Dental Implant 8.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208270147 | One Piece Dental Implant 7.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208270116 | One Piece Dental Implant 7.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208260179 | One Piece Dental Implant 6.0mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208260148 | One Piece Dental Implant 6.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208260117 | One Piece Dental Implant 6.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208250231 | One Piece Dental Implant 5.0mm diameter and 23mm in length small ball head |
00083208250200 | One Piece Dental Implant 5.0mm diameter and 20mm in length small ball head |
00083208250170 | One Piece Dental Implant 5.0mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208250149 | One Piece Dental Implant 5.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208250118 | One Piece Dental Implant 5.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208245237 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.5mm diameter and 23mm in length small ball head |
00083208245206 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.5mm diameter and 20mm in length small ball head |
00083208245176 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.5mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208245145 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.5mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208245114 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.5mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208240232 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.0mm diameter and 23mm in length small ball head |
00083208240201 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.0mm diameter and 20mm in length small ball head |
00083208240171 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.0mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208240140 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208240119 | One Piece Dental Implant 4.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208235238 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.5mm diameter and 23mm in length small ball head |
00083208235207 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.5mm diameter and 20mm in length small ball head |
00083208235177 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.5mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208235146 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.5mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208235115 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.5mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |
00083208230233 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.0mm diameter and 23mm in length small ball head |
00083208230202 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.0mm diameter and 20mm in length small ball head |
00083208230172 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.0mm diameter and 17mm in length small ball head |
00083208230141 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.0mm diameter and 14mm in length small ball head |
00083208230110 | One Piece Dental Implant 3.0mm diameter and 11mm in length small ball head |