Primary Device ID | 00745129317553 |
NIH Device Record Key | 66b24eff-85f7-48d7-89df-de2266b7b9e9 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | 183C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg M A BlueButterfly |
Version Model Number | 183C |
Catalog Number | 183CA24 |
Company DUNS | 189738719 |
Company Name | SIGVARIS INC |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
00745129315962 - Cflex Contain Full Leg MD MD MD Reg Right Black | 2025-02-20 Inelastic garment (or accessory) made of nylon and polyester which functions to increase the working pressure applied to the aff |
00745129317522 - 143C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg W A BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
00745129317539 - 143C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg W B BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
00745129317546 - 143C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg W C BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
00745129317553 - 183C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg M A BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb upon which it is fitted (typically a leg, but some types may be used on an arm), primarily to improve venous return to treat/prevent one or more disorders of circulation(e.g. oedema, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), varicosis). It might be referred to as a compression stocking or flight sock and may be intended to apply a graduated pressure across a limb,however it is not intended to support an injured joint. It is normally available (non-prescription) over-the-counter (OTC) for home-use and/or for hospitalized or institutionalized patients. This is a reusable device. |
00745129317553 - 183C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg M A BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
00745129317560 - 183C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg M B BlueButterfly | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
00745129317577 - 183C MicroFiber Shades 15-20mmHg M C Blue Butterflies | 2025-02-20 A tube-like garment made of elastic material(e.g., circular knit nylon and spandex yarns) that exerts a pressure upon the limb u |
07613378105326 - 579 Melany Donning & Doffing Large | 2025-02-04 A device designed to assist a person with a disability to put on and take off their socks, stockings, and tights (pantyhose). |