Primary Device ID | 00810130454648 |
NIH Device Record Key | 2b511c4d-68d7-41aa-9b52-6d267bb4182f |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | Medco Manufacturing |
Version Model Number | CA1-SPAT0421-L |
Company DUNS | 039107236 |
Company Name | Medco Manufacturing LLC |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | false |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | | |
Phone | +1(800)953-2555 | |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 00810130454648 [Primary] |
GEA | Cannula, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery |
Steralize Prior To Use | true |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2024-12-27 |
Device Publish Date | 2024-12-19 |
00810130450220 | Basket, 6mm x 26cm, Large Handle |
00810130450213 | 60cc Toomey Aspiration Handle w/Suction Barb, Black |
00810130450206 | Double Mercedes, 4mm x 7cm, 60cc Stainless Steel Toomey Hub |
00810130450190 | Spatulated Single Port, 14ga x 15cm, Luer Lock, CONVEX |
00810130450183 | Garden Spray Infiltration Needle, 12ga x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450268 | Micro Injection Needle, "V"-Dissector w/Single Port, 14ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450251 | Mercedes, 5mm x 15cm, Quick Disconnect |
00810130450244 | Garden Spray Infiltration Needle, 12ga x 25cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450237 | Mercedes, 4mm x 30cm, Quick Disconnect |
00810130450350 | Micro Injection Needle, "V"-Dissector w/Single Port, 16ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450343 | Micro Aspiration Cannula, 12ga x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450336 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 2, 16ga x 9cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450329 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 2, 14ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450312 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 1, 19ga x 5cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450305 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 1, 16ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450299 | Luer Lock to Luer Lock Adaptor, 3mm |
00810130450282 | Sattler, 2mm x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450275 | Cannula Cleaning Stylet, 19 gauge |
00810130450367 | Basket, 4mm x 27cm, Large Handle w/Threaded Screw Cap, with Luer Lock Barb |
00810130450398 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 3, 16ga x 9cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450381 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 3, 16ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450374 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 2, 16ga x 7cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450435 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 1, 20ga x 3cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450428 | Delano Dissolver, 2mm x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450411 | Injection Gun Set, 30cc Adaptor for BD Syringe |
00810130450442 | Basket, 4mm x 32cm, Large Handle w/Threaded Screw Cap, with Luer Lock Barb |
00810130450466 | Texas Candy Cane, 4mm x 32cm, Small Handle |
00810130450459 | Mercedes, 5mm x 32cm, Luer Lock |
00850023385628 | Infiltration Handle with Luer Lock Coiled Fitting, Blue Knurled |
00850023385239 | Infiltration Handle w/Luer Lock Fitting, Large, Blue Knurled |
00810130450053 | Infusion Handle with ON/OFF Stop Cock Thumb Control, Luer Lock Fitting, Large, Blue Knurled |
00810130450480 | Reciprocating Cannula Luer Lock Adaptor |
00810130450473 | Mercedes, 3mm x 21cm, Large Handle |
00810130450497 | Infiltration Handle w/Luer Lock Swivel Nut, Small, Blue Knurled |
00810130450503 | Snapper Lock 10cc, BD, TERUMO |
00810130450589 | Standard Single Port, 2mm x 23cm, Large Handle |
00810130450572 | Mercedes, 2.4mm x 17cm, Small Handle |
00810130450565 | Mercedes, 5mm x 23cm, Large Handle |
00810130450558 | Mercedes, 5mm x 30cm, PAL Reciprocating Hub |
00810130450541 | Mercedes, 4mm x 22cm, PAL Reciprocating Hub |
00810130450534 | Delano Harvesting Khouri, 4mm x 40cm, PAL Reciprocating Hub |
00810130450527 | Double Aspirator III, 4mm x 30cm, PAL Reciprocating Hub |
00810130450510 | Horseshoe Lock 60cc, BD |
00810130450626 | Garden Spray Infiltration Needle, 16ga x 23cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450619 | Micro Injection Needle, Style 2, 14ga x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450602 | Mercedes, 4mm x 32cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450596 | Mercedes, 3mm x 32cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450633 | Delano Dissolver, 2.4mm x 15cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450688 | Micro Injection Needle, "V"-Dissector w/Single Port, 14ga x 9cm, Luer Lock |
00810130450671 | Micro Aspiration Cannula, 11ga x 15cm, Luer Lock |