Primary Device ID | 00816394020957 |
NIH Device Record Key | b974081d-da96-4168-a733-037430e76484 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | i.Series® |
Version Model Number | PC900-Pro |
Company DUNS | 086685682 |
Company Name | HELMER, INC. |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | false |
Serial Number | true |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | | |
Phone | 317-773-9073 | |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 00816394020957 [Primary] |
KSE | Refrigerator, Freezer, Blood Storage |
KSH | Chamber, Environmental For The Storage Of Platelet Concentrate |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2019-03-11 |
Device Publish Date | 2019-02-08 |
00816394021046 | Blood Bank Refrigerator - Undercounter, 5 cu ft |
00816394020926 | BloodBank Compartmental Access Refrigerator, 20 Bin |
00816394020919 | BloodBank Compartmental Access Refrigerator, 80 Bin |
00816394020896 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 26 cu ft |
00816394020889 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 24 cu ft |
00816394020872 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 18 cu ft |
00816394020865 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 16 cu ft |
00816394020834 | Platelet Agitator |
00816394020810 | Platelet Agitator |
00816394020803 | Platelet Agitator |
00816394020797 | Platelet Agitator |
00816394020780 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020773 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020766 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020759 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020742 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020735 | Platelet Incubator |
00816394020599 | -30°C Laboratory Freezer, 25 cu ft |
00816394020582 | -30°C Laboratory Freezer, 20 cu ft |
00816394020575 | -20°C / -30°C Laboratory Freezer - Undercounter, 5 cu ft |
00816394020568 | -20°C / -30°C Laboratory Freezer - Undercounter, 4 cu ft |
00816394020513 | -30°C Plasma Storage Freezer, 25 cu ft |
00816394020506 | -30°C Plasma Storage Freezer, 20 cu ft |
00816394020490 | -30°C Plasma Storage Freezer - Undercounter, 5 cu ft |
00816394020483 | -30°C Plasma Storage Freezer - Undercounter, 4 cu ft |
00816394020407 | Pharmacy/Laboratory Refrigerator - Pass-Thru, 58 cu ft |
00816394020391 | Pharmacy Refrigerator, 56 cu ft |
00816394020384 | Pharmacy Refrigerator, 45 cu ft |
00816394020377 | Pharmacy/Laboratory Refrigerator - Pass-Thru, 26.5 cu ft |
00816394020360 | Pharmacy Refrigerator, 25 cu ft |
00816394020353 | Pharmacy Refrigerator, 20 cu ft |
00816394020346 | Pharmacy Refrigerator, 11 cu ft |
00816394020247 | Laboratory Refrigerator, 56 cu ft |
00816394020230 | Laboratory Refrigerator, 45 cu ft |
00816394020223 | Laboratory Refrigerator, 25 cu ft |
00816394020216 | Laboratory Refrigerator, 20 cu ft |
00816394020209 | Laboratory Refrigerator, 11 cu ft |
00816394020193 | Laboratory/Pharmacy Refrigerator - Undercounter, 5 cu ft |
00816394020186 | Laboratory/Pharmacy Refrigerator - Undercounter, 4 cu ft |
00816394020087 | Blood Bank Refrigerator - Pass-Thru, 58 cu ft |
00816394020070 | Blood Bank Refrigerator, 56 cu ft |
00816394020063 | Blood Bank Refrigerator, 45 cu ft |
00816394020056 | Blood Bank Refrigerator - Pass-Thru, 26.5 cu ft |
00816394020049 | Blood Bank Refrigerator, 25 cu ft |
00816394020032 | Blood Bank Refrigerator, 20 cu ft |
00816394020025 | Blood Bank Refrigerator, 11 cu ft |
00816394020018 | Blood Bank Refrigerator - Undercounter, 5 cu ft |
00816394020001 | Blood Bank Refrigerator - Undercounter, 4 cu ft |
00816394021640 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 26 cu ft |
00816394021633 | Ultra-Low Freezer, 24 cu ft |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
![]() I.SERIES 78366333 2947880 Live/Registered |
Helmer, Inc. 2004-02-11 |
![]() I.SERIES 78345113 3345000 Live/Registered |
HELMER, INC. 2003-12-23 |