Xenix Medical Sacroiliac Fixation System

GUDID 00818345029064

Graft Funnel

Ht Medical, LLC

Sacroiliac joint transarticular fixation/arthrodesis implantation kit
Primary Device ID00818345029064
NIH Device Record Keybdaec444-b67c-4193-85c9-d4f603791bae
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameXenix Medical Sacroiliac Fixation System
Version Model NumberSS1-A4-000020
Company DUNS080386764
Company NameHt Medical, LLC
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Customer Support Contacts


Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS100818345029064 [Primary]

FDA Pre-market Approvals/Notifications & deNovo

FDA Product Code

OLOOrthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument


Steralize Prior To Usetrue
Device Is Sterilefalse


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2023-09-04
Device Publish Date2023-08-25

On-Brand Devices [Xenix Medical Sacroiliac Fixation System]

00818345029095Nav Awl Tip-Tap, 5mm
00818345029088Graft Luer Adapter
00818345029071Graft Plunger
00818345029064Graft Funnel
00818345029040SI Implant Inserter
00818345029033SI Implant Nav Inserter
00818345029026Nav SI Tap 12mm
00818345029019Nav SI Tap 11mm
00818345029002Nav SI Tap 10mm
00818345028999Nav SI Tap 9mm
0081834502896811mm SI Tap
008183450289449mm SI Tap
00818345028616Nav Awl Tip-Tap, 7mm
00818345028449SI Implant, 12mm x 115mm
00818345028432SI Implant, 12mm x 110mm
00818345028425SI Implant, 12mm x 105mm
00818345028418SI Implant, 12mm x 100mm
00818345028401SI Implant, 12mm x 95mm
00818345028395SI Implant, 12mm x 90mm
00818345028388SI Implant, 12mm x 85mm
00818345028371SI Implant, 12mm x 80mm
00818345028364SI Implant, 12mm x 75mm
00818345028357SI Implant, 12mm x 70mm
00818345028340SI Implant, 12mm x 65mm
00818345028333SI Implant, 12mm x 60mm
00818345028326SI Implant, 12mm x 55mm
00818345028319SI Implant, 12mm x 50mm
00818345028302SI Implant, 12mm x 45mm
00818345028296SI Implant, 12mm x 40mm
00818345028289SI Implant, 12mm x 35mm
00818345028272SI Implant, 12mm x 30mm
00818345028265SI Implant, 10.5mm x 115mm
00818345028258SI Implant, 10.5mm x 110mm
00818345028241SI Implant, 10.5mm x 105mm
00818345028234SI Implant, 10.5mm x 100mm
00818345028227SI Implant, 10.5mm x 95mm
00818345028210SI Implant, 10.5mm x 90mm
00818345028203SI Implant, 10.5mm x 85mm
008183450281731/4" Sq to Tri-Flat Adapter
00818345028166SI Implant, 10.5mm x 80mm
00818345028159SI Implant, 10.5mm x 75mm
00818345028142SI Implant, 10.5mm x 70mm
00818345028135SI Implant, 10.5mm x 65mm
00818345028128SI Implant, 10.5mm x 60mm
00818345028111SI Implant, 10.5mm x 55mm
00818345028104SI Implant, 10.5mm x 50mm
00818345028098SI Implant, 10.5mm x 45mm
00818345028081SI Implant, 10.5mm x 40mm
00818345028074SI Implant, 10.5mm x 35mm
00818345028067SI Implant, 10.5mm x 30mm

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