Holders and Positioners - Nathanson Hooks

GUDID 00842102107665

Nathanson Retractor, Large 6.5mm w/Long tip


Surgical retraction system, reusable
Primary Device ID00842102107665
NIH Device Record Key5ab5e105-6c82-45b6-b9cd-e5d4d78e1761
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameHolders and Positioners - Nathanson Hooks
Version Model Number69737-XL
Company DUNS047644935
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchfalse
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS100842102107665 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

FFORetractor, Self-Retaining


Steralize Prior To Usetrue
Device Is Sterilefalse


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2019-02-11
Device Publish Date2019-01-11

On-Brand Devices [Holders and Positioners - Nathanson Hooks]

00842102113048Extra Small 3.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102112836Small 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip
00842102112812Medium 3.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102112768Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 12cm
00842102112751Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102112591Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 12cm
00842102112584Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102107665Nathanson Retractor, Large 6.5mm w/Long tip
00842102107658Nathanson Retractor, Medium 6.5mm w/Long tip
00842102107641Nathanson Retractor, Small 3.0mm w/Hex Fitting
00842102107634Nathanson Hooks, Set of 6.5mm w/Hex Fitting: X-Long tip L and M
00842102107627Extra Small 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107610Large 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107603Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107597Small 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107580Nathanson Flex Arm Retractor Kit w/ 6.5mm hooks
00842102107573Set of 6.5mm Nathanson Hooks with Hex Fitting: Sm, Med and Lg
00842102107566Set of 5.0mm Nathanson Hooks with Hex Fitting: Sm, Med and Lg
00842102107559Large 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107542Medium 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107535Small 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102107528Nathanson Long Reach Monolithic FlexArm Plus Sys, 6.5mm Hooks
00842102107511Nathanson Long Reach Monolithic FlexArm Plus Sys, 5mm Hooks
00842102107504Nathanson Flex Arm One-Piece Unit
00842102113420Special Medium 6.3mm Nathanson Retractor with hext fitting, Long tip
00842102113772Medium 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102113765Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 12cm
00842102113611Special Medium 6.3mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102113482Set of 5.0mm Nathanson Hooks, Robotic Shaft 9cm: Small, Medium, Large
00842102113475Large 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113468Medium 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113451Small 5.0mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113406Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113253Mediflex P/N: 69736-XL-R12 Med 6.5mm Nathanson Hook, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 12cm
00842102113246Mediflex P/N: 69736-XL-R9 med 6.5mm Nathanson Hook, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102114014Set of 6.5mm Nathanson Hooks, Robotic Shaft 9cm: Small, Medium, Large
00842102114007Large, 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113994Nathanson Robotic Retractor Set, Shaft 9cm: 5mm Small, 6.5mm Med & Lg with Long Tip
00842102113987Large, 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102113970Small 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102114335Nathanson Long Reach Monolithic FlexArm Plus Sys, 6.5mm Hooks, Robotic
00842102114564Medium 5mm dia Nathanson retractor, extra long
00842102115448Large 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102115431Small 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor
00842102115509Small 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Long Tip
00842102115691Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, XL Tip, Robotic Shaft 9cm
00842102115684Large 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, XL Tip
00842102115844Medium 6.5mm Nathanson Retractor, Cook-style, Robotic Shaft 9cm

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