Primary Device ID | 00845714000218 |
NIH Device Record Key | 1edffd86-a701-4023-910b-fdc005d8529a |
Commercial Distribution Discontinuation | 2018-02-01 |
Commercial Distribution Status | Not in Commercial Distribution |
Version Model Number | 1175 |
Catalog Number | 1175 |
Company DUNS | 079935300 |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | true |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Phone | 1-800-537-8378 |
Device Size Text, specify | 0 |
Storage Environment Temperature | Between 2 Degrees Celsius and 8 Degrees Celsius |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 00845714000218 [Primary] |
LJM | Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | Update |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 3 |
Public Version Date | 2018-06-06 |
Device Publish Date | 2016-09-21 |
00845714004391 | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit |
00845714004384 | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit |
00845714004353 | Serum Diluent |
00845714004339 | Buffer Diluent |
00845714004322 | Buffer Diluent |
00845714004315 | Serum Diluent |
00845714004308 | Phosphate Buffered Saline |
00845714004247 | WASH BUFFER |
00845714004193 | Coverslips |
00845714004179 | Mounting Medium |
00845714004162 | Mounting Medium |
00845714004001 | cANCA Positive Control |
00845714003974 | ARA Positive Control |
00845714003967 | EMA (IgG) Positive Control |
00845714003943 | EMA Positive Control |
00845714003851 | pANCA Positive Control |
00845714003776 | cANCA Slide ethanol fixed |
00845714003769 | cANCA Slide |
00845714003752 | cANCA Slide |
00845714003714 | Pemphigold Positive |
00845714003707 | Pemphigus Foliaceus Control |
00845714003677 | nDNA Positive Control |
00845714003660 | Pemphigus Vulgaris Positive Control |
00845714003653 | Rat Kidney Slide |
00845714003646 | Primate Smooth Muscle Slide |
00845714003608 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide |
00845714003592 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide |
00845714003585 | Primate Esophagus Slide |
00845714003578 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide |
00845714003561 | Primate Esophagus Slide |
00845714003554 | Primate/Guinea Pig Esophagus Slide |
00845714003547 | Mouse Kidney/Stomach/Liver Slide |
00845714003530 | Hep-2 Cells Slide |
00845714003479 | IgG FITC Conjugate |
00845714003462 | Coverslips |
00845714003448 | Mouse Kidney Slide |
00845714003387 | pANCA Slide |
00845714003370 | c+p ANCA COMBI Slide |
00845714003363 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney/Stomach Slide |
00845714003332 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney Slide |
00845714003318 | Negative Control |
00845714003257 | Intercellular Positive |
00845714003240 | Crithidia Luciliae Slide |
00845714003233 | Hep-2 Cells Slide |
00845714003226 | Hep-2 Cells Slide |
00845714003223 | Hep-2 Cells Slide |
00845714003066 | IgA/IgG FITC Conjugate w/EB |
00845714003059 | IgA/IgG FITC Conjugate |
00845714003035 | IgA FITC Conjugate |
00845714003011 | IgG FITC Conjugate |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
![]() IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS 85314467 4117553 Live/Registered |
IMMCO Diagnostics, Inc. 2011-05-06 |