Primary Device ID | 00848530101893 |
NIH Device Record Key | f13759fb-0754-45df-9172-7078846ea54b |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | Respiratory Accessory |
Version Model Number | TRAA003 |
Company DUNS | 141668116 |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | true |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
00848530062361 | **PRIVATE LABELED MSA RESUPPLY O2 KIT** |
00848530101886 | 12" Ball Chain w/ Coupling Connector |
00848530102678 | Adult Flexible Connector (Comparable OEM# 3222) - 50/Case |
00848530100506 | Circuit Connector 22mm O.D./15mm I.D. x 22mm O.D. - (10 packs of 10ea) |
00848530101893 | Flexible Trach Adatper, 22mm Cuff (OEM# 1073902) |
00848530099992 | Humidifier tubing connector - elbow (with tube) 1/pack |
00848530104160 | KIT - Flexible Trach Adapter (22mm) and Circuit Connector (22mm O.D./15mm I.D. x 22mm O.D) |
00848530100612 | Oxygen Enrichment Adaptor 22mm O.D. x 22mm O.D./15mmI.D. w/ 6mm Barbed Rotating Stem-WITH CAP-(5 |
00848530099787 | Oxygen Enrichment Adaptor 22mm O.D. x 22mm O.D./15mmI.D. w/ 6mm Barbed Rotating Stem-WITH CAP |
00848530099718 | Oxygen Enrichment Adaptor 22mm O.D. x 22mm O.D./15mmI.D. with 6mm Barbed Rotating Stem - WITH CA |
00848530099701 | Oxygen Enrichment Adaptor 22mm O.D. x 22mm O.D./15mmI.D. with 6mm Barbed Rotating Stem - WITH CA |
00848530099695 | Oxygen Enrichment Adaptor 22mm O.D. x 22mm O.D./15mmI.D. with 6mm Barbed Rotating Stem - WITH CA |
00848530100070 | HUM008S: Humidifier Tubing Connector with 9" Tubing, Straight Connector - 600/Case |
00848530098544 | F&P Adapter for Humidoflo high flow nasal cannula |
00848530098513 | POCKETPEAK Peak Flow Meters Universal-Range 50 to 720 LPM |
10848530096790 | Standard CSS, Neo/Pediatric, 405mm, 10Fr, Y-Adapter (4.5-5.5mm), MDI, sterile, latex-free |
10848530096776 | Standard CSS, Neo/Pediatric, 305mm, 7Fr, Y-Adapter (3-4mm), MDI, sterile, latex-free |
10848530096752 | Standard CSS, Neo/Pediatric, 305mm, 5Fr, Y-Adapter (2-2.5mm), MDI, sterile, latex-free |
10848530096745 | Standard CSS, Neo/Pediatric, 405mm, 10Fr, Y-Adapter (4.5-5.5mm), sterile, latex-free |
10848530096721 | Standard CSS, Neo/Pediatric, 305mm, 7Fr, Y-Adapter (3-4mm), sterile, latex-free |
00848530061326 | Ventilator Felt Filter 1/8" x 3" Dia |
00848530061234 | Ventilator Felt Filters For Use With NPB LP6 and LP10 - 1/Pack |
00848530061180 | Ventilator Felt Filters For Use With NPB LP6 and LP10 - 10/Pack |