VOCSN PRT-00490-100

GUDID 00855573007761

V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com


Emergency airway clearance suction system, electric
Primary Device ID00855573007761
NIH Device Record Key0e7d83cd-1940-42f5-847b-609b0f5a0762
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameVOCSN
Version Model NumberV+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese
Catalog NumberPRT-00490-100
Company DUNS078758082
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusMR Unsafe
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchfalse
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latextrue
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Operating and Storage Conditions

Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -25 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 110 KiloPascal

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS100855573007204 [Previous]
GS100855573007761 [Primary]

FDA Pre-market Approvals/Notifications & deNovo

FDA Product Code

CAHFilter, Bacterial, Breathing-Circuit


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2022-04-20
Device Publish Date2022-04-12

On-Brand Devices [VOCSN]

00855573007006VOCSN Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide c
00855573007792V+O+C+S+N+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous o
00855573007778V+C+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or inte
00855573007747V+O+C+S+N, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or in
00855573007730V+C, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermit
00855573007211V+C+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or int
00855573007204V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous
00855573007945V+Pro Emergency, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous
00855573007877V+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or interm
00855573007860V+O+C+S+N+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous o
00850018761123V+C, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermi
00850018761130V+O+C+S+N, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or i
00850018761161V+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or interm
00850018761154V+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or interm
00855573007785V+C+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or int
00855573007761V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous
00855573007822V*Home, English

Trademark Results [VOCSN]

Mark Image

Registration | Serial
Application Date
87016342 not registered Live/Pending
Ventec Life Systems, Inc.

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