Continuous ECG Platform

GUDID 00860008259233

VV330 Continuous ECG Platform is a wireless recording system intended for use by healthcare professionals for record and display of physiological data within healthcare settings or at home. This includes electrocardiogram (ECG), accelerometer data, R-R Interval and heart rate. Data is transmitted wirelessly to a separate location (such as a mobile phone) for storage and display. The VV330 Continuous ECG Platform can be configured by Authorized Persons to modify or merge or ignore any of the operational alerts, but not to set new alerts related to physiological data. The device is not intended to be used on critical care patients and is intended to supplement vital signs recording for later viewing by healthcare professionals, not to replace current standards of care. The device is an ambulatory, continuous recording system intended for use on general care patients and on patients who are 18 years of age or older.


Electrocardiography telemetric monitoring system
Primary Device ID00860008259233
NIH Device Record Key18cf745f-5d40-4623-ae83-949aa0e264b7
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameContinuous ECG Platform
Version Model NumberVV350
Company DUNS013311479
Company NameVIVALNK, INC.
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusMR Unsafe
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datetrue
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Operating and Storage Conditions

Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit
Storage Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 122 Degrees Fahrenheit
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 70 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and 113 Degrees Fahrenheit

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS100860008259233 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

DRGTransmitters And Receivers, Physiological Signal, Radiofrequency


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2022-12-08
Device Publish Date2022-11-30

On-Brand Devices [Continuous ECG Platform]

00865064000157VV330 Continuous ECG Platform is a wireless recording system intended for use by healthcare prof
00860008259233VV330 Continuous ECG Platform is a wireless recording system intended for use by healthcare prof

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.