Primary Device ID | 00878953004938 |
NIH Device Record Key | 8c03f9bc-1736-4be3-a588-80f328974c00 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | AMS 800 Artificial Urinary Sphincter |
Version Model Number | 720066-01 |
Company DUNS | 125111448 |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | true |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
00878953005652 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953005461 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953004938 | Accessory Kit
Quick Connect Window Connectors (3 Straight, 2 Right Angle, 1 Y), Suture-Tie Co |
00878953003191 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003184 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003177 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003160 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003153 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003146 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003139 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003122 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003115 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003108 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003092 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003085 | Occlusive Cuff with InhibiZone |
00878953003078 | Control Pump with InhibiZone |
00878953001036 | Accessory Kit:
Quick Connect Window Connectors (3 Straight, 2 Right Angle, 1Y), Suture-Tie Conn |
00878953000824 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000817 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000800 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000794 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000787 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000770 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000763 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000756 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000749 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000732 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000725 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000718 | Occlusive Cuff |
00878953000688 | Control Pump |
00878953000657 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 91-100 cm H20 |
00878953000640 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 81-90 cm H20 |
00878953000633 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 71-80 cm H20 |
00878953000626 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 61-70 cm H20 |
00878953000619 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 51-60 cm H20 |
00878953000602 | Pressure Regulating Balloon, Pressure: 41-50 cm H20 |