Primary Device ID | 03661540952753 |
NIH Device Record Key | c5a013a6-ec98-488d-99af-393a666e628e |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | DSQ Alert BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix, 48 rxns |
Version Model Number | M800727 |
Company DUNS | 117458512 |
Company Name | Elitechgroup Mdx LLC |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 0 Degrees Celsius and -10 Degrees Celsius |
03661540952784 - DSQ Alert® BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix | 2024-12-30 DSQ Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids fr |
03661540952760 - DSQ Alert® Internal Control set IC1 | 2024-11-01 The DSQ Alert Internal Control Set IC1 contains the MGB Alert IC1 DNA Template, the DSQ Alert IC1 v3.0 Primers, and the MGB Aler |
03661540952791 - DSQ Alert Internal Control set IC1 | 2024-08-06 The DSQ Alert Internal Control Set IC1 contains the MGB Alert IC1 DNA Template, the DSQ Alert IC1 v3.0 Primers, and the DSQ Aler |
03661540952807 - DSQ Alert HT Primer Mix ASR | 2024-07-24 DSQ Alert™ HT HDV Primer Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed |
03661540952814 - DSQ Alert HT Probe Mix ASR | 2024-07-24 DSQ Alert™ HT HDV Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed |
03661540952746 - DSQ Alert BK Virus v3.0 Primer Mix | 2024-05-23 DSQ Alert BK Virus ASR v3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acids fr |
03661540952753 - DSQ Alert BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix, 48 rxns | 2024-05-23DSQ Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids from the BK Virus. The mix consists of a total of 0.64 nmol of DSQ probe per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is specific to a region of the major capsid protein VP1 gene of the BK Virus.
The reagent contained in this package should be protected from light and stored at less than -10°C. The reagent must be used by the expiration date printed on the vial label. Product use is limited to five freeze-thaw cycles. |
03661540952753 - DSQ Alert BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix, 48 rxns | 2024-05-23 DSQ Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids fr |
03661540952692 - DSQ Alert™ Parechovirus v2.0 Primer Mix ASR | 2023-10-13 DSQ Alert Parechovirus v2.0 Primer Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides |