Primary Device ID | 04056869987187 |
NIH Device Record Key | e4edb33a-db88-4cf6-8570-c3e6199b7e57 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | MAMMOMAT B.brilliant |
Version Model Number | 11372950 |
Company DUNS | 313217003 |
Company Name | Siemens Healthcare GmbH |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | false |
Serial Number | true |
Manufacturing Date | false |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Handling Environment Humidity | Between 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity |
Handling Environment Atmospheric Pressure | Between 700 KiloPascal and 1060 KiloPascal |
Handling Environment Temperature | Between 10 Degrees Celsius and 40 Degrees Celsius |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 04056869987187 [Primary] |
MUE | Full field digital, system, x-ray, mammographic |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2024-04-29 |
Device Publish Date | 2024-04-20 |
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Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
MAMMOMAT B.BRILLIANT 79366176 not registered Live/Pending |
Siemens Healthcare GmbH 2023-02-21 |