ergocar PC

GUDID 04059358002491

ergoline GmbH

Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley Electromechanical device/system transport trolley
Primary Device ID04059358002491
NIH Device Record Key407ff21c-d113-4ce7-b4de-f22c557799dd
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand Nameergocar PC
Version Model Number171101
Company DUNS314403192
Company Nameergoline GmbH
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchfalse
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Dimensions

Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter
Width60 Centimeter
Depth60 Centimeter
Height119 Centimeter

Operating and Storage Conditions

Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Handling Environment Atmospheric PressureBetween 50 KiloPascal and 106 KiloPascal
Handling Environment HumidityBetween 10 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Handling Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS104059358002491 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

FWZOperating Room Accessories Table Tray


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2023-05-18
Device Publish Date2023-05-10

Devices Manufactured by ergoline GmbH

04059358002224 - optibike basic2023-05-22
04059358001746 - ers2 1CH Telemetry Transmitter2023-05-18
04059358001753 - ers2 ECG Receiver2023-05-18
04059358001760 - ers2 1CH ECG Adapter2023-05-18
04059358001777 - ers2 1CH ECG Transmitter Set (Adapter)2023-05-18
04059358001821 - ergoselect 12023-05-18
04059358001838 - ers2 Basic Software2023-05-18
04059358002095 - ers2 1CH ECG Adapter US Set 5 pcs.2023-05-18

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.